Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Family Ties

I love pictures of my kids with their cousins.

Anderson helps Owen keep his eye on the ball

Nothing is more "cool" than to see one of my older boys hanging out with the smaller boys. One of my favorite moments as a mom was looking out my kitchen window and seeing Anderson zip around the yard on his four wheeler with Payson in his lap. It took me a few moments to realize that it was Payson who was doing the steering. I should have known by the huge smile on Payson's face and by how slow Anderson was actually going.

I love this picture, but why oh why do my kids have such big heads!

I also love to see my little ones with their "big" cousins. Whether we are at Grandma's, Alicia's or my house Branson is the first person Payson looks for when he comes in. Before running off to play he has to find Branson (sleeping or awake, it doesn't matter), smoother him with kisses, and call him "Brancy."

Audrey so Smiley...Branson the Serious

Although we have yet to get a "great" picture of Audrey and Branson together, I am trying my darndest. When Heather and I were Seniors in High School they asked everyone to turn in their baby pictures. We really wanted to submit a photo of the two of us when we were younger, it made sense...we were always together. We searched for weeks and all we could find was a lousy picture of Heather and another one of our cousins in their carseats and me five feet away crawling off the table. I vowed then and there that my kids would have pictures with their cousins.


  1. You were so very wise Amy, in getting that vision early to have cousins together in photos. I have none myself. They will cherish these photos so much as will you.

    I love how much you enjoy taking pictures. I have only recently. And now it is a joy to me.

    Your families are so adorable and I am so glad that you are all so close and can enjoy those fun times together. Branson is just so cute Amy. I just love seeing the 2 of you together. It just warms my heart so..

  2. These pics are too cute!

    That's all I do when my siblings and my kids are together! I love taking pictures of them all! Not to mention, the family calendar that needs cousins pics together but it's still so fun to look back on.

    You're so blessed to have so much family close by and for all these little cousins to grow up together! So fun!!!

  3. Growing up my best friend was my cousin Adam. We were inseperable.

    It's obvious your kids absolutely love their cousins, and I agree, It's fun to see the big ones take care of the little ones.

    You have always been a picture taker, that's fabulous. I, like Jan, have only recently started taking more photos. It's funny now because I've constantly got my camera around my neck and my kids undoubtedly say, "Are you going to blog about this?"

  4. I do have to give myself the credit that I was not given. I actually took the two of Payson and Branson, but, whatever.
    There is nothing cooler than going to someone's blog and seeing or hearing about your own kid on it. I love so much that my kids are growing up with all their cousins (on this side of the fam at least) and how much they love each other. I can't wait til "Bransy" looks up to Payson like Payson does to your boys.
