Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Start of the Fun: Sunday

So we started our trip a bit rocky...I had gathered all the birth certificates but right before we were getting into the car I remembered one little problem. We had not yet got Branson's Birth Certificate! Not knowing what else to do I snatched up the generic Kadlec certificate hoping it would do. It did. And we were off to Canada!

The kids loved all the little shops while we waited for the Fairy departure time. This ice cream shop was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. There were no cardboard buckets full of ice covered ice cream...they had already individually scooped the flavors into classy metal containers. Want Rocky Road? It's the flavor with the little Matchbox 4x4 Truck sitting on the top. Looking for Pina Colada? It's the one with the little umbrella and beach chair resting on the side. It was so cool!


The Ferry was brand new for the upcoming Winter Olympics that will be held in Canada. The two hour trip was beautiful.


My goal to be in more pictures is slightly more difficult when I'm not willing to hand over my new camera to a complete stranger.


Every time we stepped outside Branson got so excited that he immediately started squealing, eating his hands and kicking his legs. (He gets his enthusiasm from his older brother Anderson)

~~~We ate lunch inside the Ferry at the cafeteria...great clam chowder.

Once we were settled in at our resort we headed to the bay at low tide. There were thousands of baby crabs...very cute and safe since their pinchers were too tiny to do any damage.Sydney called the big rock behind her "The Big Bear" Can you see why?

And what do you think Anderson thought this rock looked like?

Sunday was wonderful and that was just the beginning! I can't wait to share the rest of the week!


  1. The pictures are fantastic. I was so waiting for some eye candy from your trip. I love the one of you and Branson. That ice cream is awesome too.

    Your kids are darling and so glad that certificate was enough to satisfy. Yeah. Can't wait for more.

  2. Oh Amy, you are really tempting me to tell Don, lets drop everything and go on a trip. I love the pictures and that ice cream shop looks, to die for! I can't wait for your next installment.

  3. oh it's so beautiful. we are interviewing in anacortes, wa and i CAN"T WAIT to see the sea. see?! can't wait to see more of the trip.

  4. Looks like a wonderful time--and that's only 1 day? Wow! Very beautiful.

    Thanks for letting me know I won, it was so exciting to find out! I'm glad you enjoy those websites, I sure do! I guess they were both started by friends in our last BYU ward.

  5. Great photos! I especially love the 'bum' rock. So funny! Can't wait to see the rest of the trip!

  6. That was just ONE day?! Great pictures!

  7. Great pictures... Your already back? That went fast... We have ice cream shops like that here. Cold Stone Creamery. Wish I could send you some, but well it doesn't even stay in form once you get your scoop in a dish...
    Love all your pictures..

  8. I love the pictures. Looks like you guys had a great time. The picture that Anderson likes is "cracking" me up. Too funny!

  9. The Fairy departure? That must have been awesome! Did she sprinkle magic dust when she took off?

    Okay, enough mocking of the English major, the pictures were great. I totally think you should have let Anderson put his hand in the crack like he wanted.

    That picture of John holding Branson over the water is priceless.

  10. You know how to pack it in. Great pictures!

  11. Amy, so I'm curious, when you mention the kids birth certificates...does that mean that you didn't need passports for the kids? What about for you and John?

    Great pictures!
