Wednesday, July 9, 2008

While You Were Sleeping

Last night John and I were up on the roof replacing a bunch of shingles that had blown off in the big wind storm. We were working quickly as the light was fading fast. So when Cayden hollered up that Branson wouldn't stop crying John told him to go rock him to sleep.
When we came inside this is what we found...

Cayden was so out of it that when I started to pull Branson from him he grabbed my arms and wouldn't let go. I could tell he thought Branson was falling off the chair and it took another few seconds to convince Cayden that it was just me.
Branson was also out of it. I was in the middle of changing him, I turned to get a clean diaper and by the time I turned back around he had already flipped over and gone back to sleep. Oops.
***Alicia was the closest at guessing the backgrounds to my book pictures. The answers: 1. Hotel Beach Towel 2. Hotel arm Chair 3. Hotel Carpet 4. Delta Airplane Seat


  1. Having older kids to help is like a whole new world. I feel so blessed everyday for my kids that help with the little ones.
    I love the pic. of the two brothers catching some zzzzzz's together.

  2. That second pic had me laughing out loud!! I love when babies are so tired they just roll over and crash, rather than stay awake and complain about it!

  3. Too cute Amy J. Love the pics. Glad you have the kids to help out. Branson is adorable and so is Cayden. Well he is handsome.

    Love the background, and Alicia is amazing for guessing those. Great idea.

  4. That is just so darn cute. How wonderful that you thought to get it on film. I loved the picture of little Branson and his tired out little bare bottom. Hmmm, you might be able to use that one for black-mail one day.

  5. Oh, that is just the sweetest thing ever. I especially love how, even in his sleep, Cayden was so careful to hold on tight to Branson.

    I can't believe I guessed the most right! Especially the chair one, that was a wild shot in the dark! Yay me!

  6. How great that you've got such great helpers with your little caboose.

    Speaking of cabooses, that is the cutest little bare bum picture ever! I love when they are just zonked out like that!

    So were the blown off shingles the only damage you came back to?

  7. That is so cute, is there any man or boy that doesn't put himself to sleep when rocking a baby! I love your book background guessing and I LOVE the pics you took, they are so good, you can frame them all and not have to buy any art work for your walls!

  8. Okay, thanks for the LOL post. I really enjoyed it. Those are such cute pictures. And I love that Cayden was still being the big brother - even in his sleep. :)

  9. Love bare bum babies! So cute of Cayden to take charge! Big brothers are great!

  10. Hi there 8th ward friend... We were nominated together by Jan.. I love your blog & all your beautiful pictures.. I wish I knew how to take such good pictures..

  11. Susan was telling me about this picture tonight. I don't know how I missed it. So cute! There's nothing cuter than a little bare baby bum!
