Sunday, July 6, 2008

Working on My Photography

As soon as our Stimulus Check arrives in the mail (John's social security number puts us at receiving our money at the last possible date) I am off to Costco to buy the camera of my dreams. I have been using the same digital point and shoot for over four years and I am ready to take my photography up a notch.
Our last day in Florida we had to check out at 11:00 but John didn't get out of his conference until 12:30. I decided to use the time to walk around the gorgeous hotel grounds and take some pictures. My main goal was to try and see things from different, interesting angles to get the best results in a photograph.
These are Branson's favorite waterfalls that spill into the Lazy River.

I wanted to capture the Lazy River with its shelter of foliage.

I really wanted to get a good shot of Bamboo...this was my 8th attempt and I had to lay on my back to get it. (Branson thought that was pretty fun, he was strapped to my front with the Baby Bjorn)

There were so many cool shaped flowers on the property.

The Marriott Hotel was connected to the Ritz and this staircase was leading to both.

More of the waterfalls...the water itself was as warm as bath water and crystal clear.

To get these shots I had to wait till all the kids floated by and then hurry and snap the picture before more people drifted into the frame.

These stairs lead to the pools, the spa and the work out center.

This little guy moved just enough to make his head a bit blurry. See if I ever ask him to model again.

Palm Leaves
Like I said earlier...beautiful flowers everywhere.

Another "get on the ground" picture.
I am really wanting to take a photography class, and soon. Anyone else interested?


  1. I didn't realize people still hadn't gotten their stimulus checks. With my SS# we would have been dead last, but luckily we filed under Matt's first so we were in one of the first groups. I'm sure you'll love your new camera! Ok, so these shots are great! I'm jealous--it's so beautiful there! My favorites are the bamboo definitely, then the staircase with columns, then the other staircase with all the greenery, and finally the first one with the waterfall. Beautiful! I'd love to take a photography class someday, but for now I guess I'll just wing it.

  2. We just got our stimulous check last week, and I thought WE were the last ones!!

    As for the pics, I immediately decided the first one was my favorite. I was going to say "the waterfall one". Then I saw there were more waterfall pics... and they were also my favorites!

    So.... Either you are EXTREMELY skilled at shooting waterfalls, or I just really like waterfalls. And considering that it's way too late for me to claim to be thinking clearly, I'm gonna go with your mad skillz.

  3. We still haven't got ours either. I am not stimulated yet.

    I love what you purchased. I am thinking about the same thing as you. A camera and food storage. I love the pictures a lot Amy. It is really good. I have 2 people that sort of give blog 101 on lenses and different ideas if your interested.

    Great Florida places. Magical. It was so good to see you yesterday at church. Branson was making me very hungry. He is so cute. Brown looks so good on you.

    I have to tell you some stories to about what we like to talk about sometime. It is so funny. Have a great week and continue taking pictures with that great camera.

  4. The picture are amazing! I don't see a need for a class at all.

  5. I would love to take a class with you, unfortunately at this time I can't. What a bummer cause I've always wanted to pick up the hobby of photography but haven't gotten a chance to yet. Those are some great pictures you took! They all look so relaxing...*sigh*

    P.S. We still haven't gotten our stimulus check we're still waiting too!

  6. Okay, first I am insanely jealous that that's where you were all of last week. Second, the picture are GORGEOUS. Way better than looking at them on your camera from a weird angle. You really do have great photography skills. Third, the comment about the "model" lizard was so funny.

  7. My mom got her Canon camera at costo. its amazing. it came with two lenses, one for up close and one for far away. it has all sorts of cool effects like blurring the background and sweet stuff like that.

  8. I don't know - I think your pictures turned our great with your 4 year old camera. Why do you need a new one? ;) I LOVE my new camera. It does everything I need it to do and probably more. I need to take a photography class to learn everything.

  9. Hey Amy... Just re-read now that I'm awake, and am guessing that since you mentioned Costco, you're planning on the Canon Rebel XTi? I've heard nothing but good things about that camera, and tonight we saw a big pallet of them at Costco... I love photography, and have surprised myself with some of the shots I've gotten out of our little point 'n' shoot. Pretty amazing what you can do with post-shot editing, cropping, etc.

    Wish I was over there, I'd totally take a class with ya!!

  10. These are incredible pictures! I would love to spend a week here!

    Anytime you want to take a class, I'll sign up with you! Just let me know when and where!

  11. WOW!!! You were living in luxury! That was gorgeous! My favorite pictures is the bamboo one. Great angle.
    I can't wait to see the pictures you'll get with a new camera!

  12. Your pictures of Florida are like Paradise, what a gorgeous spot. I love the sound of running water, I think I could get used to that spot very quickly.

    So glad you had such a great trip. Welcome back to reality.

    The pictures are beautiful, you did an amazing job.

  13. Wow, what great pictures...and that's with a point and shoot...what will you be able to do with a new camera? That same site that I take the digital scrapbooking courses has a photography class for DSLR cameras. I think the first one sold out of spots within minutes.

  14. those are really great! the only think i would suggest is to not center stuff. but gosh, those are awesome!

  15. Amy!!! That hotel is like heaven! Awesome pictures - and cute, cute Branson. What a great getaway. Where were the other kids? I guessed I missed that part.

  16. Very, Very nice photography Amy...Nice crisp colors.
    Hey to answer your question you posted on my blog... I don't think we are related to The Beck's in Pasco. Most of my husbands relatives live in Spokane.
    The movie you couldn't pick out is THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION~ It's not a movie in the giveaway(not a chick flick) I just like the quote. :)
    Thanks for entering!
