Friday, August 22, 2008

Well THAT Stinks!

Today I was going to post another How To on Adobe, but that will have to wait til tomorrow. Yesterday I noticed a yucky smell in the garage but I couldn't tell where it was coming from. was really bad. I offered $10 if Cayden could place where the stench was coming from. He found it. Our huge chest freezer has gone bad and with it everything that was stored inside...All 3 of the guys deer from last year, the burgers and steaks, Chicken, Jam, Go-Gurts, a get the picture. I even store flour in there and there is no way it escaped the permeating smell. Just opening up the lid had me retching. John was in high spitits since hunting season is only weeks away. He thinks they will all get lucky again and we'll have plenty of meat in no time. Does he not realize that we will have to replace that chest freezer. We just replaced all four back tires on the motorhome and our computer is dying. 1,2,3. Well if what they say is true and these things happen in threes...we are done! Well...I best quit putting off the inevitable, get a gas mask and the dumpsters and get to work. And of course garbage doesn't get picked up until next Wednesday so stay clear of our street for the next few days!


  1. There is nothing worse then the smell of rotting meat...

  2. Just reading this has me gagging. Good luck with the dirty job!

  3. gross, good luck with that, do you want me to come over with some bleach and nose plugs?

  4. Amy, you just crack me up! That is so funny that you paid Cayden to track down the wretched smell in the garage. Of course on the other hand it is really sad that you have to replace the freezer and that your computer is slowly dying. Hmmm, do you think the tires and computer had made a suicide pact? Food for thought. Oh one more thing I finished Hollis Woods last night and I really loved it. If only every unwanted child could have such a happily ever after.

  5. Bummer about no Adobe lesson today...even bigger bummer about the freezer and all that food. I cannot even imagine how gross that must be. Maybe for an extra $10 Cayden will clean it up too :o).

  6. Ugh! I wonder how long it has sat there through the past 100 degree days! YUK! I am so sorry!

  7. Yeeek! I can't stand cleaning up stuff that stinks, it always has me gagging and retching and running for cover. Good luck with that! Oh, and I meant to email and let you know we'd be happy to help you pick out your new computer when you guys finally decide to get one. My hubby is a pro at finding the deals and getting the best for the amount you want to pay. Just let me know... Of course, our first recommendation will always be a Mac, but that doesn't always fit in everyone's budget. :-)

  8. What can I do to help Amy. Seriously.

  9. Those are the kind of jobs that fall under the husband category at our house. Is it possible to die of vomiting? I think that's what would happen if I had to clean that up. Good luck. :)

  10. Oh boy, that REALLY does stink. Sorry!

  11. Ugh! Nothing worse than STINK!! Except losing your food too... Sorry Amy! That just sucks!

  12. I enjoyed getting the play-by-play today as you cleaned it out, all the retching and dry-heaving...but rest assured, the overwhelming bleach smell has knocked out all the rotten meat stench. Thank goodness you don't have to replace the freezer.

  13. What a complete nightmare! And all that meat that's wasted. What a bummer! John is probably thrilled to restock the freezer though.:)

  14. Yuck! That is the worst smell ever. Rotting meat. Makes me want to gag just thinking about it.
    Hope it is all gone now & you can breathe again...
