Monday, August 18, 2008

The Colors of Camping: The Last Trip of the Summer

Several months ago McLoughlin had a silent auction. John came home with a day trip on Lake Roosevelt in a Pontoon boat. Our family and the Haertlings took off last Wednesday. On Thursday we played all day on a Sandy Beach at our campground. Friday we drove around on the Boat on the Spokane River and stopped whenever we saw something that interested us. It was a very "colorful" trip...


ORANGE...the color of the beautiful life jackets that we had to borrow because we left ours at home.


Also the color of Anderson's excitement...he simply can't contain it.

Sydney watching Cayden & Anderson
BLUE ...the color of the gorgeous water. It was the perfect temperature on such a hot day. We found two different cliffs to jump into deep water. John
Anderson Rachel and I felt about jumping off the second cliff we found. Needless to say we took the plunge on the first, and only the first.



RED... the color of Branson's swollen gums from teething and the color of the rash he had from head to toe...we believe he is allergic to Amoxicillon.


PINK...the color of every one's skin even after applying and reapplying sunscreen.

Cayden & Sarah

Sydney & Hannah

White...the color of Branson's skin cause he was the only one smart enough to stay out of the sun.

BROWN...the color of the mud that was thrown and the sand that was dug.


GOLD...the color medal Cayden and Chad were trying to win. For hours they tried to walk across a line of floating logs.

GREY... the color I feel about my babies growing up too fast, summer coming to an end, and Branson being a crank with double ear infections and teething.

Sydney & Hannah

GREEN...always a color of camping. To see what the girls are looking at, glance at the photo below.RAINBOW...the color that best describes all these girls personalities. Sydney


Rebekah Hannah



  1. Amy this is a great post! I had so much fun raeding it!! This was so creative!!!!!

    What a fun family vacation! You captured it beautifully!

  2. What a great idea to color the trip. You are so creative and fun. Seriously.

    You are getting so good with the camera. Sorry about the color purple. Ouch.

    Looks like a blast. And the pictures are great.

  3. What a fun trip. I LOVED reading this. It was so fun and so creative!

  4. You are so creative Amy. I loved reading the colors of your trip. The picture of the deer is amazing. Sorry to hear about your baby's rash and ear infections. So not fun while camping. Glad you got to jump off the cliff. Sounds fun.

  5. You are just amazing Amy...
    I love reading your post and checking out the wonderful photography you do. I was just thinking this morning how blessed your family is for capturing all these moments of their lives.
    When they do get older they will cherish every single photo.
    Take care my friend,

  6. What great portrait shots of your family and the Haertlings, so great!! My favorite pictures are always the upclose candid ones. You have had so much outdoor fun this summer. I am excited to settle down into the school year routine.

  7. Seriously, how do you come up with these ideas?! I loved reading each color and then waiting to see how you would tie it in, and it always did perfectly (and comically!) You are so creative, why didn't you spread some of that gene around?

  8. I love it.. Do you take any bad pictures? Because most of mine are bad either too dark or blurry or just not impressive..
    But all your look awesome!
    That is neat how you put them in different colors. Is that all your family or friends?
    Looks like so much fun

  9. Amy, you are keeping me so entertained with your blog! How perfect for you and Rachel to vacation together, since you both have husbands on summer vacation. You sure seem to have found a new talent with your photography, Ilove all the pictures you put up. Also, how bad can the one of you Cliff Jumping actually be??????

  10. What a great, creative post, Amy. I know the word creative has been used by others already, but really, it's the best one to describe you. I just love reading about your families adventures and seeing your awesome pics!

  11. Gorgeous COLORS! In a previous post you mentioned photoshop help. I am very interested! Did you happen to talk to Marilyn, Danyelle or Rachel about how I was asking about photoshop? :) They mentioned your mad skills and I have to agree!

  12. Amy, What an amazing post!! This was such a great idea of sharing your trip with us and those pictures are just darling! Love it.

  13. Amy this is an amazing post. The only bad thing about this is how anti-climatic my post will be next to this one. You are so creative and I love the pictures you took. I do have some pictures that fit into your "black" catagory and they are not as bad as you said, but I will keep them only on my camera. This was a great trip and we will always remember it well. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Amy, you amaze me with your creativity and your photograph skills! I loved this post and the pictures (I want to see your bruise though...OUCH!). You seriously need to teach me something!!!! And I'm soooooo jealous - this trip looks like it was a blast!!!

  15. That has to be one of the greatest posts ever! I love all the colors and all the photographs...fabulous!

  16. stop taking so many stinken pictures! I have to see the bishop because I covet your camera! And your skills! What a fun trip, I bet Anderson was beat before and now after scout camp he's going to need to sleep for days! :) You guys had an awesome summer, your such a trooper to take that baby everywhere!
