Thursday, August 28, 2008

Rub-a-dub-dub Photos in the Tub


  1. He is a happy little duckie. So cute Amy.

  2. Your so sweet, all your comments are always so nice! I read them over and over again! Thats funny about Austin's id badge.
    Fun tubby pictures. Im almost ready to get busy on the photoshop stuff, Ive been putting it off because I want to do it when the kids are gone and I don't feel guilty playing on the computer for hours! :)

  3. I love the Baby in teh bath pictures - so sweet!

  4. He is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bye bye.♥☺♥

  5. He is adorable!!! I want to kiss those cheeks.

  6. I love these pictures. Porter is having fun looking at the baby in the bath! Too cute Amy.

  7. Cute, Happy, Little guy!
    Love the photos!

  8. That little boy knows what to do when the camera comes out. Act natural and cute and then throw in the occasional sweet smile.

  9. Man, you already have 11 comments and I just noticed you posted something new. You're so popular! ;) And Branson is soooo cute! He has such big eyes and great expressions. I love the picture of his wet little hand.

  10. I have too many favorites but I think the last one, with his little arm up on the bathtub and his fingers in his mouth takes the cake. Payson looked at these with me and the first picture he said, "There's Branson!" And then the next one, "Branson" and the whooooole way down, "Branson, Branson, Branson..."

  11. Awww, I love baby in the bathtub pictures! So sweet. He's is one adorable little boy! Those big blue eyes are surely going to get him whatever he wants.

  12. So darned cute. And actually they serve two purposes. For everyone to enjoy now; and to use as blackmail in about 17 years.
