Wednesday, September 24, 2008


So I've been able to keep my house clean for well over a week now and it's been easy! This morning I stopped to think about why this is suddenly possible when it has been unthinkable the last 10 Things are getting organized, the laundry is done and I'm vacuuming more than twice a month. It wasn't even a conscious decision it just seemed to happen. There are three things that changed in the last few weeks and I think all three have caused this amazing turn of events.

#1 I began Weight Watchers. Branson is almost 10 months and it is well beyond time to get rid of the unwanted pounds of my last three pregnancies. I started 2 1/2 weeks ago and have lost over 7 pounds. My goal is not to only focus on shedding the weight, but to eat more healthy and well balanced meals and snacks. My doctor has very kindly told me that if I don't lose 20 pounds (come on's more like 40) I am at high risk for both diabetes and high blood pressure later in life. I feel great. I am not down on myself with that CONSTANT, awful, nagging, FAT feeling. Oh I know that I don't look like a swim suit model...yet, but I am finally doing something about it and that feels amazing.

#2 Don't judge me for this one...I am not doing PTO, I am not volunteering to help with the fundraiser and I am NOT doing the school yearbook this year! It feels wonderful to be at home and get things done. After years as PTO president, in a way I feel I have done my time. Oh I'll volunteer in the classroom and of course I am still doing the book fair, there's absolutely NO question about that! But my phone isn't ringing off the hook. And when someone does call I allow myself to say "no" and guess what happens....nothing! Lightning doesn't strike you on the spot, and your calendar isn't jammed with stuff. (Don't we LDS ladies have a busy enough calendar with Scouts, activity days, enrichment, Sunday School lessons, day camp, kids homework, choir concerts, Visiting Teaching...) So for those of you who are thinking bad thoughts about me right now because I am boycotting volunteering...I love you. When people call asking for help I will refer them to you!
#3 I am scrapbooking again. As I mentioned before I hadn't actually done it in a long time and it feels so good to do something for me again. Something that I love and feel good about. It helps when the house is clean and the laundry is being rotated to have a guilt free session at the computer to blog and scrapbook.

I feel so free!
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I changed my blog background. It feels open and clean and new. Let's hope the feeling stays long enough to get the 3+ days of ironing I have to do!


  1. That quote on the bottom of the last scrapbook page is from Steal Magnolias I think. So, now that your house is staying clean, will you come clean mine? Love the scrapbook pages.
    P.S. I read once in a magazine that when a doctor tells you you need to lose 20 lbs. he really means 40. Isn't that funny?

  2. What a great feeling to be on top of things! I'm so jealous of your scrapbook pages! Those literally look like they came right out of a magazine. Great job! Can't wait to see less of you again on Friday! :)

  3. Amy, I love your pages! However it does make me feel a little bad about all of the stamping things I have bought over the last 5 years...I know, I know, I will still make cards and stuff, but those pages are amazing. Like most things I will get into it about the time digital scrapbooking is about to be replaced by the next new thing.

  4. Um, will you do my scrapbooking for me? What program are you using? And congrats on the weight loss! It always feels so good to take care of ourselves. I love that feeling. Congrats on your newfound freedom!

  5. Your blog looks great, and those pages are amazing!

    What a wonderful place you find yourself in.

  6. It's so nice when everything in life just seems to come together. Congrats on the weight loss! Every bit helps. The pages look awesome! We can all learn to say no once in a while. I always think of the Conference Talk on "Good, Better, and Best" in those situations. Our last Stake Conference was all about following the spirit, even if it means skipping the stake temple day to be with your family. The spirit will never lead you wrong, and then don't feel guilty about it! They were inspiring words.

  7. I am so proud of you! You are the most important person! Take care of number one!
    Good for you!

  8. You are amazing. I'm excited to hear more about your success.

  9. Good for you Amy! Sometimes, less is more...RIGHT! Your pages are great.

  10. Beautiful blog! I love all of it.
    Sounds like you are making some very wise choices Amy! I'm so happy for you! :)

  11. You deserve it! I must say that i notice a complete change in how my day runs when I remember to take a little time for me. Not sitting in front of the tv eating a bag of chips time for me, but doing something I LOVE! Scrapbooking, sewing, baking, writing, gardening. And the difference in my whole house is one of happiness. So I say good for you, loose some of the baggage - meaning out of home activities, not weight, but awesome job on the weigh loss - take some Amy Time and enjoy the things you love most!

  12. Sounds like all great changes Amy. I hope a lot of things remain the same though. There is so much to love about the way you are. But the changes you are making, are all way good. Keep it up. And your pages are just beautiful. They captured the moment so well.

    I hope Sydnee had fun today. She is adorable. The missionaries were so great.

  13. I have never tried weight watchers. Friends have told me that I could never do it, because I eat too much junk & have never been able to give up junk...

    Hey - I was wondering can you teach me or tell me or I'll pay you to desing a cool different Christmas card design just for my family? Can you make me skinny in a picture????

    And I have never done PTO it's just not my thing.

    I love all your new pictures & designs. Man girlfriend I so wish I lived by you so I could just sit & watch you work & learn from you. You are so stinking AMAZING!!!

  14. healthy and smart words. smart living is doing a little less, but doing what we do really well (AND loving what we are doing!). i think we are happier for it and our families are happier too. great reminders amy!

  15. Good for you! Two weeks--that's awesome--want to come and do mine too?

  16. Your pages are beautiful. I haven't gotten into digital scrapping yet. Probably because I sit at a computer all day and don't want to do it at night/weekends too. But it sure makes a difference in what you can produce. I loved WW when I was on it. It really works, and I eat junk food every day, so it worked for me. I need to get back on the wagon and do it again. Good luck and keep us posted!

  17. way to go amy. keep it up. it was funny to talk to you this morning to get marilyn's phone number. i sort of feel like i'm internet dating with all of my cousins and meeting new people and when i meet them face to face it feels weird. :)

  18. You deserve the freedom you are feeling. The other day Josi said, "You wouldn't believe how many calls I get." I sure remember you telling me that!!

    The scrapbook pages look awesome, you got Elizabeth excited about the digital photos too.

    Good luck with weight watchers.

  19. WOW, I feel free and clear just reading your post! :) I still tell PTO that I just had a baby, the other day one of them said, your baby is FOUR! Oh thats right :) I LOVE YOUR pages! So fun! Hurry and print them out and make a book so I can come over and check it all out! I only have five more pages of the cabin book, and then I can slap in the 700 other pictures. I need to wait until Oct. so I get more free stuff with the new month! :) Am I still writing stuff on here, its late sorry.

  20. Aww, the feeling of clean, free, and me time! What a good combination.

    I love your scrapbook pages. What program do you use? I'm doing scrapbooking the "old fashion" way...punches, stamps, stickers, etc. and would love to upgrade to a digital program. What do you recommend? I know if you recommend something it's gotta be good.
