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Friday, September 5, 2008

Oh the Things you Can do with a Subway Chair...

Whenever A Subway Restaurant gets remodeled Grandpa Cazier makes it home with some of the old benches. About 8 years ago he turned one into a front porch swing... A year or so later he made several into benches for the play areaLast summer he kicked it up a notch and brought the whole set, table and all, to go next to our fire pit.But this week Grandpa had Branson in mind when he brought home a bench built for one...one baby grandson that is...Yes, that is a booster seat that has been bolted onto a Subway bench and attached to the swing set.

Grandpa tested...

Branson Approved!


Alicia Leppert said...

OH MY GOSH!! I cannot believe you have not told me about this!! That is the cutest/funniest thing I have ever seen. I didn't think Grandpa Cazier could top the porch swing...how have I never seen the whole set by the fire pit?! I'm sure it made his day that Branson loved it so much.

Alicia Leppert said...

Glad to see your computer worked long enough for you to get a post on.

meohmyers said...

That last picture is priceless! Pure joy on that baby's face! I love the one of Grandpa C smiling in the background while pushing Branson. Too sweet. Really, what a fantastic grandpa to think outside the box when it comes to Subway benches!! Love it.

Em and Ms said...

That is hilarious. Great idea to use them! What happens when you run out of places to put the benches?

Kristen said...

That is way cool!! The swing is the best!!! Cayman wants to try it out :o)!!

SuzanSayz said...

What a handy grandpa! I love that he is so good at taking what would normally be discarded and turns it into something not only usable but fun. Those are some of the cutest Branson pictures I have seen yet.

Ms. Kristen said...

Too funny! Way to go grandpa~! It is the pioneer in him.....never throw anything out.....use it up!
I may have to get me one of those!

Robin Beck said...

Wow, what a great grandpa he is! Those photos are amazing as always Amy-You can really see the joy in both baby and Grandpa's faces-Just love the joy!
What a blessing to have a grandpa like that!

Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Wow, that is some awesome stuff! I want a Subway Bench Porch Swing now... But they don't show up on Craigslist very often... =)

Kris said...

Super Cute picture of Branson. Super smart Grandpa. How fun.

Elizabeth said...

Those are some creative ideas!

Jan said...

That looks more like funway things. What a cute picture of Branson. How fun. Use what you have. You did great.

Rachel said...

Grandpa Cazier is amazing. Now I am thinking that swing must be a little heavy. Do you get sore arms from pushing it? I have never noticed all of the Subway furniture that you have in your yard. Grandpa Cazier is a such a handy man and I love his big smile watching Branson swing

Shayla said...

Oh my gosh, Amy! This post is awesome. What a fun Grandpa and how creative is he? I love that swing, it just cracks me up. Thanks for the smile today. :-)

Paula -- CutieFruity said...

I always brag that my Grandpa is an inventor, and here is more proof. The neighborhood kids used to think our merry-go-round made out of a huge electrical wire spool was the coolest (hey, did you guys come to play with me, or the merry-go-round?) Your family certainly didn't get left out with the toys made by Grandpa Cazier.

Bren's Life said...

That is just too cute. I love his big smile. I bet he is just giggling at it...
Does your grandpa own a Subway or something? ok- once in Utah while visitng. We went to Subway & they had the best every sugar cookies with icing on top. Not one carries them here & I have even asked.. And I go to a lot of subways.. Just not fair- I tell ya!!!

Anonymous said...

oh man. this is amazing. i'm still laughing. who woulda thought to buy those benches? what a way to reduce/reuse/recycle! i love that picture of branson. what a safe swing with a booster seat and everything!

Debie Spurgeon said...

Grandpa Cazier is ingenious. He is amazing. Aren't they remodeling the 108 building chapel soon. I heard the benches are up for grabs, lets see what he can do with those.

MichelleB said...

That is the cutest thing I have ever seen!!! Don't we all wish we had a grandpa like that! Your kids are so cute!!!

Lisa Christine said...

OH, i love it! Such creativity in the recycling of Subway benches. Branson looks like he is having the time of his life!