Saturday, September 20, 2008


Cayden: Dad smell my armpits and see if they stink.
Dad: I am not going to smell your armpits Cayden.
Mom: I'll smell them.
DISCLAIMER: I really thought I was safe on this one, he's only 11, he showered this morning and Anderson hasn't smelled bad a day in his life and he's 13!
Mom: Oh my goodness Cayden you reek! Put on some deodorant.
Cayden: laughing
Dad: laughing
Anderson: laughing
Branson: drooling
Mom: No, seriously Cayden. If you smell like that you need to put deodorant on every day!
Cayden: See Anderson I told you. I do have B.O. Now I am truly a man!
Mom: Cayden...smelling bad does not make you a man.
Cayden: But that's how all the guys in high school smell.
Poor Danny
Cayden went to a birthday party last night and they handed out glowsticks that the kids could make into necklaces and stuff. While Cayden was using the restroom he dropped his orange glowstick into the toilet. According to him he was lucky cause even though he had already went to the bathroom, half of the glowstick was still sticking out and untouched by...well you know.
He picked up the clean end, and after telling his buddy Ethan what happened they both laughed hysterically, said a few "ewwwwws" and tossed it into the garbage.
A while later Danny Ross came over waving an orange glowstick at Cayden and Ethan, "Hey guys, look what I found! Someone actually threw their glowstick in the garbage."
Evidently after discovering the reason behind the tossed out glowstick Danny through it as far as humanly possible.


  1. Ha ha. Your stories are funny!! I laughed so hard at the part where Cayden said he's a man now and you disputed the idea that smelling does not make him a man.

  2. Oh my goodness... You had me laughing out loud! What a funny post.
    I remember when my son found a hair on his chin...You would have thought he was the biggest man in the world. Brother.
    Have you ever seen the movie "The man from snowy river?" If not you have to get it. It's from the 1980's but what a great movie. There is a line in it about the young man becoming a man, the man from snowy river. A must see for the whole family.
    Take Care,

  3. That's too funny about all of it.. My boys at 7 & 10 were telling me they were men now & I needed to treat them like men & not little boys anymore... Uhh Huh - Yeah!

  4. Nice post Amy. It would be so much fun to have boys around our house. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side, or in your case the armpit stinker on the other side. I guess I am just tired of emotions, emotions, I would gladly have stinky armpit conversations and toilet yucky glowsticks. Your posts are always so good and make me laugh.

  5. Amy, you just had Cindy and me laughing so loud I think we might have waken the neighbors!!

    LOVE the glowstick story!!

  6. HILARIOUS!!!! Now I see what I have to look forward to. Snips and snails...

  7. Only boys would say bring on the smell. You were amazing today. You conducted the whole 3 hours I swear.

  8. I would say, "oh poor stinky Cayden" but since it's not only not a problem for him but a sign of rejoicing, I guess I will say oh poor Amy who has to deal with stinky Cayden.
    Boys can be some of the funniest creatures,thanks for the glow stick story, it was a good one!

  9. 'smell it'. boys. smell it yourself! love your stories. thaks for sharing a laugh.

  10. Oh my gosh. Loved these stories. Hilarious. That toilet ones was classic!! Especially since I know all the boys involved!
    Tell Cayden NONE of the boys I associated with in high school smelled like that!

  11. Wow, so many great photos and toilet humor to catch up on.

    The stinky armpits is hilarious. I'm always paranoid about my kids cleanliness, their ears, breath and pits. Put on the deoderant Cayden, better safe than sorry.

  12. Funny, funny story! The only problem with deodorant, though, is they think they don't need to shower. Yesterday, Jory T. came in all sweaty and gross. I told him to shower so he could go to the fireside. He came down dressed without showering. When I said that's gross. He said, "But I have deodorant on." Boys, you gotta love em!

  13. your blog is great! thanks for the laugh!! i love what kids do and how they react to things!!

  14. Yeah this was funny. Your boys are to the point where becoming a man is cool. The toilet story is hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.

  15. So cute Amy. Way to go on the "self improvement?" I guess you could call it. I'm so glad you feel free and good about yourself! I love that feeling:)
