Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Anderson at 13

After being diagnosed with Leukemia in May of 2000 it took less than 24 hours on Chemo for him to go into remission. This was very good news since it meant he would not have to have radiation treatments. Because Leukemia is in the blood stream, those who have it go through a prolonged treatment program. Anderson was on chemotherapy until the spring of 2004. Due to his "high risk" category Anderson has a greater chance of Leukemia coming back one day but those are just statistics and he is doing great. He gets a thorough blood check about twice a year and he is a polite, happy, ornery teenager.

Before he got sick Anderson loved sports and outside was his favorite place to be. The biggest change I saw in Anderson as a result of his sickness is his lack of interest in athletics and his desire to play outside. I am sure this is a direct result of being "trapped" inside the Ronald McDonald house for months at a time with severely low blood counts. Video games became his passion...his only passion but I have been noticing some changes. This past week Anderson took his birthday money and bought himself a skateboard. He has opted to go out on the sport court (his Make-a-Wish donation) and ride his skateboard instead of playing X-box. This is HUGE! We had some kids move into the house next door that Anderson has known for some time. Our street has always been a quiet, older street but Saturday night filled me with that "happy mom feeling." Anderson and Cayden were across the street in the dark playing hide and go seek with the neighbor kids. I could hear screams and laughter...that is what being a kid is all about.

Uh...Anderson, I think you are supposed to stand on the skateboard.
Anderson went fishing with John yesterday and I received an excited telephone call from the boat announcing to me that he had caught his first Salmon. I see a new life in Anderson. It took many years for him to begin to run faster and grow taller. He was 20 pounds at three months and is now on the shorter side, but his body is hanging in there.
He loves choir and anything that has to do with singing. Besides being in the McLoughlin 7th grade choir he is participating in the Three Rivers Children Chorus. His hobbies and interests have not turned out to be what we had thought they would...but I wouldn't change him for anything.


  1. Whoa! Look at the size of that fish! It's great to get to know Anderson better, and that he's developing interests beyond video games :)

  2. We heard all about the fish this morning, that's fantastic.

    Ornery? I just don't see it. POLITE: definately!!
    Anderson is a great kid and it thrills me that he goes to choir with Elizabeth. I think these cousins are developing great friendships. I laugh at the walking home adventures they have. (Strange noises, laughter, etc...)

  3. He's in the children's chorus?? That's fabulous!!!!

  4. Wow what a fish he caught! You should be so proud! It looks like it won't be long and he will be driving to the store for you! ;)

  5. Your boys are doing a great job of filling up your freezer! Huge fish!
    I enjoyed seeing Anderson at the concert the other night. The last number was goosebumpy.

  6. sounds like he is thriving!!
    He seems like a terrific kid. I enjoyed the opportunity to get to know him a little better. HE seems to be on his way to being well-rounded. Some fish!!

  7. I love that Anderson boy. Have since I first heard him say "Mariah Carey" years and years ago.

  8. It gives me goosebumps "seeing" and reading about how well Anderson is doing.

    And holy cow, look at those fish!!

  9. He is one great guy alright. I was never much of an outdoor girl myself. I would have rather stayed inside and draw or read. When I was outside being active though, riding my bike was a favorite activity. I love that Anderson is not afraid to be true to himself. Singing and skateboarding sound like really good sport alternatives to me.

  10. I was looking at these pictures of Anderson and it just HIT me that I have pictures of him as a baby at Aunt Heidi's house. And when he was born, I was the same age he is now. That is crazy to me. I can't believe how fast time flies.
    I think its awesome that Anderson loves to sing! He'll melt a girls heart one day with that talent.

  11. Those fish are HUGE!!! I'm so excited for Anderson. He'll have to come with my boys to the skate park(s) with his new skateboard. They really enjoy it (I was actually just getting ready to do a post about it).

  12. Oh my Goodness! I don't think we have fish that big here in AZ.. You are going to be eating fish until ???
    I am so glad he is doing great. How fun to be out playing hie -n-seek with friends. Our boys sometimes play kick the can at night.

  13. How exciting for a kid to catch that big of a fish. He looks like he's loving life and has a ton of activities to keep him busy. He's a cute kid.

    Oh, thanks for putting that stuff on your doorstep. I came by and got it this morning! You are so awesome! :)

  14. My husband would be so jealous seeing those fish!!! It is amazing how kids can go hrough so much and handle it so well.

  15. What a fish! I'll have to show my son. We've just taking up fishing a little this year. Maybe the picture will motivate my son and husband.

  16. Woo Hoo. That is one great fish. Well all of them. Proud hookers. Oh that didn't sound good. Oopps.

    Okay. Who is that guy? He looks familiar but can't picture his name. It will probably be someone I know too. Yikes. Great job guys and love the skate board. Anderson you are so diversed. Go get em 13 year old man.

  17. I love all your book reviews! I hate reading duds, such a waste of time. :) Anderson is so sweet, and funny. Its fun to be here with all the deacons because I get to see them all act so silly with each other. He is very passionate about the things he is interested in! Like you said just like Austin! :)

  18. I love Anderson. He is the sweetest boy. I think my favorite part about his whole experience is that when he was 8 and got his port out, he used to it hit on girls. "Did you know I almost died?" Way to work it, Anderson, way to work it.

  19. hello, salmon. John (my john) is jealous. he gets the joy of hanging out with Jim at work all day, not drifting on a boat catching huge fish. I hope Shawn will be a little like Anderson. Mostly that he'll decide to sing in the choir. John thinks it would be way lame, but the choir guys are the ones who get all the girls. Uh-oh. You better chaperone all the choir trips. Anderson will be embarrassed, but all the kids wil LURVE you!

  20. All your posts about Anderson have been beautiful Amy, what a hard thing to go through that I never knew about. It's been great to get to know your family better, and to now see how well Anderson is doing. Thanks for all of the posts.

    And it may be just me, but I NEVER knew Salmon got to be that big, those fish are HUGE!
