Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Troop 180-Steppin' it Up

So just when I feel like I am finally getting the Cub Scout thing down, my boys turn into Scouts and it is a whoooole new set of rules! But our ward is really getting going where Scouting is concerned and I am so grateful to a wonderful group of leaders who are helping our boys on their journey to earning their Eagle.

So as clueless as I was...Anderson received his Tenderfoot, Second and First Class, all immediately following his 13th birthday. For those of you who are as uninformed as I was...Let me just say that Cayden will have all of these completed before his 12th birthday. Did I just admit to how far behind my oldest child is in Scouting...oh the shame!
But like I mentioned earlier...we have been blessed with some amazing leaders! Scott Ashton is one cool guy (You have got to check out his hobbies here) He is right up Anderson's alley. He is so passionate about his scouts and his calling that the boys can't help but be successful. I owe him a huge Clueless Mom "thank you."

~Anderson and Scott~

Our amazing Bishop Moon saw there was a need to get the 11 year old Scouts going. For the last several months he has had the boys over to his home so they could begin their scouting experience. (Like he doesn't have enough things to take up his time!) Each of the 11 year old scouts received their Scout award, all thanks to this incredible man. I love it when he says, "When it comes to Scouting I have shaved my head and drank the Kool-aid." Now I am not entirely sure but I think what he means is that he will do whatever it takes to show these young men how important this program is. Well Bishop...you are.

~Cayden and Bishop Moon~My sweet husband. I always tease him that when it came to Scouting he got as far as Beaver. (For those of you who have all girls in the family...there is no such thing as Beaver, but that's my point.) He is over the 14-15 year old Scouts in our ward and he is trying his best, but he is still so clueless on how things work. But he loves the boys and he is encouraging them to continue until they get their Eagle. He'll get it...some day.

~John handing out merit badges to Tanner~


  1. I salute the troop. Awesome for the steppin up.

  2. Man troop 180 is lucky! That Scout Master has skills and is good looking! :) Your so sweet, this will make Scott's day!

  3. Where has the time gone Amy? When we first met, our oldest were 5~ Now they are Scouts? Take a deep breathe....we're doing good so far!

  4. I love the flag background on your boys pics!
    Congrats on their advancements!

  5. So cute er I mean handsome with their badges and standing in front of the flag! And the deal about your husband getting to "Beaver" was a hoot Amy!

  6. congrats on their advancements!
    hey i got your message about the shade party. i have a catalog i will drop it by today...is your bunco group looking for a new member? talk to you soon!

  7. Ya know, I think that a lot of the time, loving the boys and being willing to do whatever needs to be done, and then doing it with gusto, is far more important than tons of experience.
    Oh and one more thing;
    Your big boys are just getting so handsome.

  8. This makes me want to cry, in fact I am. I am always so grateful for leaders who go the extra mile and love and are enthusiastic in what they do. Great job boys.

  9. you've lost 10.8 pounds? whoop whoop! (my hands are in he air 'holding up the roof') i'm thrilled for you!
    i love this post. i too am a clueless mom. i think i'm sorta getting this cub scout thing but as soon as i remember to help brigham, i forget again. oh the ditsiness. there is nothing like people who do their callings the best to their ability. nothiing like it.

  10. I love that they have such great leaders and parents and such who really work with them to get their stuff done. I hope Payson has as good of leaders when it's his turn.

  11. scouting??? Yep... I would believe you if you told me there was a beaver award. I have never understood scouting and by admitting that I have probably just guaranteed myself a scouting calling next. I should just keep my mouth shut.

  12. I love the scouting program in our church. How exciting that your kid gets to join a wonderful troop that has some great leaders. That makes a huge difference.

  13. This post surprised me a bit. I thought you were a scouting queen! I must say I learned a lot in the year I was in cub scouts, but I'll probably still be clueless with my boys. It's always great to have awesome leaders. Oh, and there is a Beaver award! The Silver Beaver! It's way up there.

  14. Gotta love scouting!! And awesome scout leaders!
