Thursday, October 9, 2008

Why I Love This Age!

The Joy of Flying.
(John and Branson on the Buddy Walk)


You're friends with everyone...even if you just met them.

(Audrey and Branson after Sydney's Baptism)


No one questions your sudden melt downs.


Diets are unheard fact you are constantly encouraged to try new and exciting foods.


There is no such thing as "playing with your food" it is simply how you eat.


When you're sleep. Heck, tack 3 naps a day if ya want!


The world is yours for the taking. No worries about Stock Markets, gas prices or who to vote for... Which Hot Wheels to chew on is your biggest decision of the day.

You love yourself...


In fact, you get pretty excited every time you see yourself in a mirror.


And not only do you think you are pretty neat stuff...everyone else wants to be around you and give you loves and tell you how cute you are! No one cares if you droll or have buggers in your nose.


You have your whole life ahead of you.


And of course...clothes are always optional.


"Look Mom I ate it all gone. See, the middle of my tray is completely clean."

"Oops...maybe a few got away from me."


  1. What a great photo you got of Branson flying! Incredible!
    I think it's so cute how babies laugh when they are tossed in the air! You would think it would scare them-But mine always laughed real loud!
    Great photos!~♥

  2. That first B&W shot on the mirror is incredible!!

    Reading all that makes me wanna go back and be a toddler again...

  3. Anytime you think he needs some extra lovin send him my way. I would kiss those cheeks all day long. Mac-n-cheese and bugers just come with he territory. You take such great pictures!!!!

  4. that is such a good idea to put him ontop of the mirror. i think i'm going to buy hyrum a hand mirror just so he can look at himself more. it's hilarious. i also love this age. their personalities come through yet they are still little enough to be babbies.

  5. I love it! Isn't it all the truth... You are so good at capturing him & saying just the right cute things..

  6. Your blog is so much fun! The pictures you take, the things you say, and how you tie them all together. You are so creative, talented. I love stopping by and seeing what else fun is in your "world".

    You are a beautiful family!!

  7. Those are some really good reasons to be a baby. Too bad we can't chuck our grown up cares and problems once in a while and spend the day being that young and innocent.
    I loved the black and white mirror pictures, it's fun to see you increasing your talent on a weekly basis.

  8. So true. Isn't it nice to have a little one around the house to make us take a step back and enjoy the blessings we have.

  9. He is such a cutie! I love those picture of him on the mirror. I am totally baby hungry.

  10. What an awesome post. I grinned the whole way through it. Love that kid!

  11. Awww, I loved this post! These pictures are priceless! I love the ones on the mirror, too. So clever. He really is at a fun age and is so lucky to be doted on by your whole family! What a loved little boy.

  12. That was soooo cute! I love his push-ups in the mirror!

  13. cute, cute, cute, cute, cute post!!!
    I especially love the last one!! He is such a cutie pie!

  14. Thanks for getting me excited about a one year old again.
    Branson is adorable. I love the Macaroni on his lap. It seems as though half a meal is always on the lap at Britton's eating time too.

  15. I love those pictures of Branson in the mirror, very creative! And what an adorable little boy!

  16. Super cute post Amy. I love babies at this age too. Great pictures.

  17. Oh Branson, you are adorable! And such funny faces too! I absolutely love the pictures on the mirror. So creative, and so cute! I agree, this age is a lot of fun. When it's not challenging that is...

  18. So cute! I loved that post and the pictures (as always). You're awesome!
