Monday, December 15, 2008

Choir Cousins

MAC's Christmas concert was very good, with the guitar club, bands and choirs performing. Both Anderson and Elizabeth had solos and they all did an excellent job. At the end of the event the band played while everyone in the gym joined the choirs for a sing-a-long. It was very cool to sing both religious and fun carols at a school event. The four cousins have been working on When Christmas Comes To Town for our ward party and Mathews Family Party. Anderson, Kenley, Elizabeth, Haley

A bit nervous before his solo...he said his hands were shaking pretty bad.


  1. So cool, and a great picture of them! I'm so sad we'll miss the Mathews dinner this year.

  2. That's very cool! Kaylee and I are going to be at the Mathews party this year, and we're bringing a song too!

  3. Cool, I'm looking forward to hearing them at the family party!!!

  4. Hey I found your blog through other;s in your family. My family knew your through good old Pasco 3rd ward. This is Catherine (used to be Powers) I just wanted to thank you for putting your family's story of Andersons cancer, and the whole Ronald McDonald thing. I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma in September and found great comfort in your blog. I totally understand wanting to punch people in the face when they say things like "oh, that is a good one!" :) But really i really loved hearing that there is a future, and although it may come slowly,8 years later, life does go on. Anyways, thank you!

  5. That is so cool that they all ge to be at school together...they'll always remember and cherish these times they spent growing up together.

  6. I have never heard one of Anderson's solos. I'm excited to hear them at the dinner.

  7. Looking forward to hearing them at the party. :) I think Lindsay might do a dance with one of her cousins.

  8. They all look so grown up. I can't believe it. I think it is so awesome that they are all able to grow up and go to the same school together. Your family has quite the talented bunch!

  9. That picture of Branson is SO adorable! I like the post of him and Cayden sharing the lollipop, what a good lesson :) I'm excited to hear the kids at the family dinner, that is so fun that they all go to the same school together! I bet they love it

  10. I'm so glad you are on the ball with your camera. As I said, I forgot it three important days in a row. Oh well.
    Anderson did fabulous. I'm thrilled that these guys get to have fun together, they'll stay friends forever.

  11. That's so awesome that they sang together. They look great. Have a fun family party.
    Thanks for the idea with the tea party. I wish you were here to help! :)
