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Friday, December 5, 2008

Signs that a Toddler is Among Us...

I didn't realize how much I would love having a toddler around our home again. I think my family is sick to death of my phone calls declaring all of Branson's "latest's." I wanted to share some of the reoccurring toddler happenings that I have captured over the last few weeks...I love seeing a lone toy down a clean hallway. Evidence that somewhere, in one of the bedrooms, is a little boy who found something more exciting to catch his interest...

Like the bathroom garbage. Or another favorite...taking my bathroom vent out of the floor. Only one ball has been claimed in the void.

I don't know why, but he absolutely loves playing in my bedroom blinds. He hides in among the panels, pulls out the metal weights and clanks them together. I don't even bother putting them back anymore.

I have had several people ask why my garbage can is up on this cabinet...ummmm you figure it out.

He loves his books...

And my books.

And of course with the decorating of the house for Christmas. To date we have had only two exploded glass balls...any takers on how many more there may be?


Mikki said...

Cute, cute, cute!!
Yeah, we've had a couple of those exploding ornaments already as well. Keeping my fingers crossed for no serious injuries.

Jan said...

I see you have you excercise program in full force. The Branson work out. :) He is so cute.

Michelle said...

My bookshelf looks exactly like that everyday. It's Josie's favorite thing to do-- pull all the books off the bottom two shelves.

Em and Ms said...

What a smart little guy. They're destructive, but so much fun too! We bought the shatterproof ornaments at Costco this year for our tree. So far Madelyn likes to point at them, but has left them on the tree. We also put some bells down low so she can get to those, and they end up around the house.

Robin Beck said...

So So cute Amy,
I too look forward to having a toddler among us (grandkids)
Your little guy is as cute as they come! Just adorable!

Kristen said...

He's been very busy...which means Mom has been even busier!

Cute post!

Debie Spurgeon said...

The little destruction areas look all too familar.

Anonymous said...

i can relate. he is so sweet. my bathroom garbage is on top of my toilet. :)

Heidi D said...

Oh, the good ol days. I wish I could turn back the clock and have Abbey and Lindsay that age again.

Alicia Leppert said...

Oh my goodness, how this post put a smile on my face. Thanks for that. It's funny, I've seen your garbage can up there forever and never wondered why. Now I realize it is sort of odd that it's been up there so long, but it all makes sense now.

SuzanSayz said...

Isn't it just so funny how quickly we forget all those little things that make up "Life with a toddler in the house"? I love that you are so wise, to know to enjoy every bit of his young years.
BTW, I was just getting ready to leave a comment yesterday when I recieved an urgent phone call from Donald saying "Mom you need to get over here right now"!!!!!! I'm sure you can figure out why, my poor little Alexandra.

ashley said...

So cute! I love the picture of him sitting innocently with a smile on his face in front of the blinds like, "What? I'm not doing anything but being adorable."

Deborama said...

That is so funny! I feel like we just finished all that, I might miss it all in a couple years! :) I haven't talked to you in forever, we need to have a sprinkler party at your house! :)