Saturday, January 24, 2009

Earth to Motherboard...Can You Hear Me?

So the motherboard on my PC is faulty and I will be sending my beloved computer away for over two weeks. I won't have to pay for it at all but I don't know how I will survive. It is amazing to me how much I rely on it. Bills, projects for John's work, homework for the kids, blogging, email for my Cub Scout Day Camp calling and 100 other things, scrapbooking...the list goes on and on.

I am currently on my mother-in-law's dinosaur and sadly it is slower than the beast I got rid of. Her printer is so old that most of the time all you get is *Y&^%*( &@*the entire sheet. On Friday I had to go to my mom's house to print out a February calendar for the middle school where John is Assistant Principal. I was able to get the Spanish translation from my email and luckily I had emailed myself the English version as well. (I had always wondered why I did that) I spent an hour adding clip art, juggling Branson on my lap, and printing out the final copies so they could be sent to the School District Print Shop. After I got home John came by to pick up the originals and I kid you not, he spilled water on them. So back to my mom's house we went to print another copy. I really hope this is not a sign of what my weeks without my PC will be like.

Until I can get to a computer that opens blogs faster I will have to take a vacation. Wish me luck.


  1. Holy cow... TWO WEEKS??

    Every time Cindy has complained that we have too many computers in the house, I'm going to refer her to your plight! Backup PCs are a handy thing!

  2. Amy that is so sad :(

    I hope things get straightened out soon. Be strong. Good luck!

  3. Isn't it funny how something that we barely knew existed 25 years ago is now as indispensable as a toilet? I feel your pain Amy! I really do. It's going to be a looooong two weeks.

  4. So tragic! It should be like when your car is getting fixed. They should issue you a nice rental.

  5. That really stinks!! Good luck, I hope the two weeks go quick!

  6. UGH. Hopefully they will send it to you in less than 2 weeks. They always say the longest time. The story about the calendar you had to print off is hilarious! :) Sorry. Good luck while your computer is getting fixed.

  7. You can't read this, but I hate to say it looks like your week is going to turn out that way, seeing as you spent today on my computer, wrestling a crying Branson and dealing with my stupid, defective Adobe.

  8. Just think of all the people you can visit to use their computer. You're welcome here anytime:)
