Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What a Pain in the Neck!

OK so I have had a headache/migraine for over a week now. The severity has changed from day to day but each and every single day I have had one! Normally if I take some medication and then continue on with my day my headache will disappear. (Strangely enough, if I lay down and take a nap after taking medicine, I will wake up and the headache will still be there.)

If the medicine doesn't work I take a very hot shower (or two) and that will often melt the pain away. If the migraine is too far gone I become nauseous and more often than not if I do throw up the pain goes away.

I have done all of the above and nothing has taken this cursed thing away!

I went to a massage therapist today and she couldn't believe the knots that I had in my shoulders and neck. She spent an extra 1/2 hour on my already one hour massage and she only got to my right shoulder blade and some on my neck. Needless to say I have another appointment in two days.

So why am I bothering to bore you with my medical woes? When I have a headache over a long period of time I get loopy. My sister-in-law Danyelle says that I act like I am drunk. Driving is actually scary so I avoid it at all costs. I feel constantly drowsy, but not tired, if that makes any sense at all. I can only think about one thing at a time and even that is often too difficult. I am a HUGE multi tasker and I swear that this headache has denied me of my gift. I feel stupid and sluggish and now my house is falling apart at the seams. (Which I don't really care about cause I don't have the sense to realize that it is such a mess.)

Is there a point to this long, pictureless post? No...I just got done explaining how I am pretty much delusional right now and I am actually wondering why, with this headache, I am staring at tiny words on a bright computer screen at midnight.



  1. Yeah, you're kinda crazy. Go to bed. I just got so jealous reading about the massage therapist working out your knots. Even though I know it had to be painful, I would love to have that done. I know I need it so bad.

  2. Amy,
    Get yourself into a Chiropractor...That's the only thing that works to get rid of my brothers major migranes. It sounds like your body is out of sorts and need a good adjustment.
    Take Care,

  3. Migranes seem to be genetic in my family...but so far I have escaped them :)

    Sorry you're feeling bad. Don't stay loopy too long :)

  4. Hope you feel better soon! My step-dad just told me about a great product. It's available with Rx, but they are Lanicane patches that work well for muscle spasms, etc.

  5. Two words: Dr. Mathews.

    Go see Marshall, he'll fix you up.

  6. Wow, that is so horrible! Hopefully today's at least a little bit better...

  7. Amy I am so sad for you. I know what it's like to have headaches that will not go away. And I know how hard it is to really concentrate on anything. I'm sending loving thoughts your way. I hope you can soon find some relief.

  8. have you tried caffeine? it is a drug so use it!
    that massage therapy sounds heavenly. i think i'll ask for that for my next birthday. :)
    if we don't see you on here for a while, we'll understand. hope you get it all sorted out.

  9. I am so sorry.. I hate migranes & go through the samething.. Sucks! I've been to a massage therapist too & it really helps.
    Good luck!

  10. Anderson mentioned you had a headache, but I had no idea it was that severe. I am so sorry, that really, really is a huge pain. At least I'm glad I'm driving, but if there's anything else I can do don't hesitate to ask.

  11. So sorry Amy! I wish I had some magic to make it go away. Hopefully, you will find what works for you soon:)

  12. Hey Amy, as I was driving Ellysa to school at 6:15 this morning a bit of wisdom from my natural food selling days returned to me... there is a herb called "Feverfew" that works as a prevenitive for migrain headaches. This herb is a miracle, you just take a couple capsules each day just like a multivitamin and you will be migrain free.

    Good luck and I hope you feeling better today!
