Monday, March 30, 2009

Mini Relay For Life

Last Friday McLoughlin held it's first Mini Relay For Life. John called me up and asked if I wanted to bring the kids over and walk for the cause. I thought it might be a nice thing to do as a family so we headed over to the school. I was pretty surprised when they handed Anderson a ribbon announcing him as a "Survivor." I never forget that Anderson had Leukemia. The fear of his cancer coming back never leaves me. But I hadn't ever lumped him together with all the adults who have survived cancer. I don't know why this was such an awakening for me. I didn't see him as a survivor, I always saw him as my 4 1/2 year old little boy who fought a battle and won. I realize that this means he survived, but it really hadn't occurred to me until now.So why after so many years of being cancer free did tears come as I watched my sweet boy make that victory lap around the track? Surrounded by adult survivors he was all smiles.

Every type of cancer has a color, and most of the world is aware that Breast cancer is pink. Our families color is Gold, the color for Childhood cancers. Surprisingly Branson fiddled with his paper Ribbon for a few seconds and then left it alone for the entire afternoon.The event was small but the kids had a good time with water balloons, face painting and free hot dogs, nachos and chocolate chip cookies.Anderson is definitely becoming a "teenager" but I appreciate that he saves his less desirable moods for the home. He is a polite, sensitive and healthy young man and I can't believe he will be turning 14 in the fall.


  1. I was at a website a few days ago that lists all the colors for just about every condition you could imagine. Even Infantile Spasms has a color.....purple. I am going to Salt Lake for the half marathon and I was thinking of dressing in colors to represent Elisabeth....but that would be a lot of colors! (lol)

    What a wonderful moment it must have been to see Anderson honored as a Survivor. I would have cried too! I am so glad that his fight with cancer is now a distant memory and that he is thriving and healthy.

    Have a happy Spring Break!

  2. That's such a great family activity. So cool that Anderson was honored too.

  3. Yay for Anderson! We have some real fighters in our family

  4. I would love to have seen Anderson's victory lap, I get chills just thinking about that. The school really did a great job that day honoring the survivors, the girls said it was definately the main focus of the day.

  5. First on all your family picture is adorable! So sweet.

    What a neat thing for you and your family to be a part of!

  6. Okay, I'm going to cry now. That was so awesome! When you told us about it, you didn't make it sound as cool as it was! That picture of him wearing his "I'm a survivor" is...priceless. I wish I had a more original word, but it's true. I actually do forget most of the time that he survived cancer. I'm so glad there are awesome people that remember and honor him for it (and all the others).

  7. What a sweet post. I had tears reading it. I tried posting earlier but I didn't know what to say or how to say it. I'm just very happy for you that your son survived his fight with cancer. Thinking about Anderson and all the other survivors taking a victory lap is just awesome. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I would definitely have cried too. I got teary eyed just reading your post.
    I guess that things that are so close to us, sort of resonate on an entirely different level than they would normally.
    What a great day for your family.

  9. This post just chokes me up with joy~ Love it!

  10. What a very touching post Amy, and I just love that the school's are getting involved to recognize those survivors!
