Just For Fun~My creative blog for scrapbooking and digital freebies!
If you are in need of a good book you can find one at http://amysbookcollection.blogspot.com/!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

So Much Fun!!! (And a Font Tutorial)

Have I said how much fun I am having with Digi Scrapbooking. Here are some of my latest layouts.

I am hooked on fonts! I love that there are endless options and styles all free for the taking. My favorite site is dafont.com but there are many others that I have found simply by Googling "free fonts." If you need a font that looks like the font used in the CSI TV series (Day Camp:) just Google it, and there you go. (The best CSI font is called Clicker...I know you were just dying to know that)
To add a new font to your computer find the font you want and click download. When the next screen pops up click on save. Click on your desktop icon so that your font is being saved there. Click save. When the font is done downloading click on close. Now when you go to your computer screen your new font should be saved right there next to all your other icons. It will be a zipped file so using your mouse, right click and choose extract file. You will see a second icon of your font pop up on the screen. You may now delete the zipped file. Go to your control panel click on appearance and personalization. Click on fonts. Click and drag your unzipped icon into your font window. You are done. Your font is installed. You may now delete the font icon from your desktop. Depending on your computer your steps may vary slightly but not by too much.

Jessica Sprague's classes are worth every penny! I have played with Adobe Elements for over 6 years and she has taught me more in two classes than I learned in all those years! This Water Park Page is one of the layouts you make in her second class. She walks you through step by step instructions and every little detail is explained. It is amazing. You can sign up for her classes at http://www.jessicasprague.com/
I think I will finally get some of my pages printed. I had been holding off, just having way too much fun in the creating department. But as I was showing John my last batch of finished layouts he said, "Why don't you actually get some of those printed off?" Well you heard what the man said, "Go spend some money!" I think I will do that today!


Washington Rimmasch Family said...

You are so good! I will come pick up that dust ruffle this week. sorry I have't gotten it sooner. It seems like every time I'm in town I'm in a hurry and then have to jet home. thanks.

Anonymous said...

oh this is so good. and i serioulsy hope you are backing up all of your files on an external hard drive. i've lost so many pictures is shameful.
and by the way:
heather's been divorced for two years, met glenn while working at the temple since he works there too. they instantly liked each other but his divorce was still in the works. he got his divorce finalized, they started dating, they got married. they were ingaged for about 3 weeks. :) he is so perfect for her. so perfect.

Lisa Christine said...

Wow! I am afraid to get into that though because I fear it would be addicting....and the last thing that I need is another hobby :)

ashley said...

Yes you need to print these off, they're all terrific! Also, about how long does it take you to do a page? They look like they could take hours because they are so good, but I'm guessing once you know what you're doing they go pretty quick?

Shayla said...

Amy, I LOVE how your pages have turned out. I saw some of Kristi Gibb's printed out pages from Jessica's class and they look phenomenal! It made me an even bigger fan of digi-scrapping. I can't wait to hear how yours turn out printed.

aubrey said...

Those are great! I am just starting to dapple into digiscrapbooking. I don't really have a lot of funds, so I am starting very simple, but it's loads of fun and amazing how much more I can get done. And how I don't get as stressed doing it digital! All I need it my lightweight laptop and off I go! No heavy containers, messy glue and stickies or hours of cleanup! (I am very messy when I scrapbook!)

Keep the inspirations coming cousin!

Robin Beck said...

Very cool Amy... Ronnie and I really enjoyed looking at all your scrapbook pages, thanks so much for sharing them!


Ben and Alissa said...

Wow, you do such great and creative work! Thanks for the font tutorial, who knew it was that simple!

Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Amazing timing - just last night I was searching for fonts, and my wife said "You should ask Amy - she's so creative and talented!"

And look what I found here today! :)

Mikki said...

Cute layouts Amy. And great tips too. You're so clever!

melissa mae said...

Those look soooo good!

Kristen said...

I think I could get myself into trouble with Digi Scrapbooking! It looks so fun!!

Debie Spurgeon said...

I know it just takes time and patience to get a hang of the digi-stuff, but it seems a little overwhelming to me. I'm hoping to have a little time this summer to really concentrate on it.
I love everything!!

Alicia Leppert said...

I skipped over the font tutorials since I've heard it before, but I loved the pages. I still have yet to do a single page!