Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sydney's First Piano Recital

She played Freight Train & The Greatest Show on Earth

Mrs. Larson, her great teacher of one year!

Before the recital...nervous, but ready.

Sydney with Grandma and Grandpa Mathews. Grandma and Grandpa Cazier were there too but had to leave early for a funeral.


  1. Very cute pictures of Sydney, and I have to tell you, your parents haven't changed one bit in the last seventeen years! How do they do that?

  2. I love all the pictures. How nice to have everyone there for Sydney.
    It's funny because the first comment by Michelle says your parents haven't aged in 17 years. I've known your dad my entire life (obviously) And he looks the same to me as when he was just a teenager.
    Your mom looks pretty much the same too. I've known her since I was 15.

  3. I just adore Sydney's smile. It's beautiful!!

    I am sure her recital went perfectly. All of you seem to have more talent in just your baby finger than most of us do throughout our whole body.

  4. Cuteness Amy J. She is doing great on the piano. Recitals just busted me up. Good for her. And her teacher looks really nice. They match. :)

  5. How cute she is! That is so sweet.. I can't believe they had it at the church. That's cool.

  6. The blessing of living so close to grandparents is that they get to attend all the special events.

    Good job Sydney, keep up the good work.

  7. What cute pictures! I'm glad it went well, even though Macy wasn't there ;) I can't wait for Macy's first recital.

  8. I knew I was going to be seeing pictures of Sydney on this post, but I forgot you took one of me too!

    Sydney did great! I am so happy with how hard she works. She is a great student and I love having her!

  9. How exciting for Sydney. I love her dress. She looks so pretty.

  10. Amy,

    Cayman's toy I posted about yesterday plays classical music! My mom got it for her. I'm not sure where she found it. I think I have seen it at Walmart before, but they seem to be getting harder to find.

  11. You crack me up! I almost went around the valley yesterday just to take pictures of church bldgs so you could see that no matter where you go they have a look to them..
    I'll have to do it & show you!
    And if you went to a Subway rest. & sat at the table I'd know that too.
    But I do remember you saying you have one in your backyard from your grandpas store & the kids love it.. So no cheating!

  12. That dress is sooo cute! That's so great that she's learning the piano. I need to get my girls into that too. I need to get a piano first I guess. :)
