Monday, May 11, 2009

Baby Brother's Baby

Landon and Starlie had their sweet baby boy today!They haven't picked out a name yet but he was four weeks early and weighed a healthy 7 pounds 3 oz.
Both mommy and Baby are doing fine.

And for those of you who need a little brain teaser...
Landon is my youngest brother.
Starlie is John's, sister's, daughter...his niece, and when John and I got married she became my niece.
Sooooo when Starlie and Landon got married Landon became my brother and my nephew and Starlie became my niece and my Sister-in-Law. (So both Starlie and her mom are my sister-in-law.)
Confused yet? Trust me...there is no inner-marriage thing going on here.

It just means that no matter which family gathering I go to, John's family or mine, I will get to love on this adorable little guy!


  1. He is adorable. We're so excited for them.

  2. He is sooo sweet! Wow that is some family tree you have there. I have never known many Starlie's that is Dans sisters name too. I love that name.

    Oh and on the volunteer issue. You have really done your time girl. You are like a legend in that department. :) For reals!

  3. What a little chunk! Congrats Starlie and Landon!

  4. Wow, four weeks early and what a great, healthy weight! He must have been ready to come. He's adorable. Congrats to Starlie and Landon! Can't wait to hear the name they've chosen.

  5. I can understand that marriage conundrum, mine is WAY worse. My sister and I share some nephews through our husbands' sides of the family. I'm glad to see pics of my new cousin.

  6. I am so happy for them. He is darling.

  7. Horray! Please please pass on my congrats to them! I need Landon's email address...

  8. So...Baby Boy is your nephew and your great-nephew?!

  9. That same family confusion occurred in our tree. Aside from the fact that Janae and I married brothers, Nathan's sister married Chris, and his other sister married Chris's oldest brother's son-- Chris's nephew. Blood is getting a little thick around here. ;)

  10. How precious!!! What you Mormons marry anyone!!! :) just kidding

  11. What a sweet baby, Stacy was just telling me that someone in her ward had her baby a month early, she was jealous having 20 some days left! :) I saw Anderson in Drama yesterday, yeah! what happened to tennis?

  12. What a cutie pie. congrats to your nephew, er I mean brother, er I mean......

  13. I'd never heard that about Starlie and Landon before, cool.
    Little Landon jr is a beautiful little guy, and how fortunate for him to come along right when it's time to start getting baby hungry.
    At least in every possible scenario, he is always your little nephew.
