Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day Camp 2009

So the theme this year was CSI: Cub Scout Investigators...very cool. As always it took hours, and hours, and days and months to get ready for three whole days of camp. But that is what kept me out of blogging land for so dang long. I took over 600 photos but I am really pretty much camped out so the bottom line is, I think it went great, the boys had a good time and I am so appreciative of everyone who helped make it a success. So here is just a glimpse at one class out of 18.
What is CSI without an autopsy! My sweet husband took his 14/15 year old scouts out and caught almost 100 Shad...I kid you not! These nasty fish gave the scouts you see above a fun fishing trip and several hours of service. And the boys at Scout Camp learned about swim bladders and fish eggs. Yep...I think that's enough about camp 2009. Now to start planning for next year: Cub Scout Amazing Race USA!


  1. OK, so I had to look these fish up. When I say "look up", I'm referring to Wikipedia. I was surprised of what they said about them. Here is a little excerpt.

    "The American or Atlantic shad (A. sapidissima) is a valued food fish. It was especially important in the 1700s; however, many of the rivers where it was common now suffer from pollution. Traditionally it was caught along with salmon in set nets which were suspended from poles driven into the river bed reasonably close to shore in tidal water. It weighs between 3 and 8 pounds and has a delicate flavor when cooked. Though bony, the meat is considered worth the effort, and indeed many esteem it above the famous Atlantic salmon. It is considered flavorful enough to not require sauces, herbs or spices. It can be boiled, filleted and fried in butter or baked. Traditionally a little vinegar is sprinkled over it on the plate. In the eastern United States roe shad (females) are prized because the eggs are considered a delicacy."

    So, my question is this, did you eat any of the fishes eggs? Was the fish really better than Salmon? Judging by the bloody picture, I guessing not. : )

  2. I'm guessing...sheesh. I need to go to bed.

  3. They are so lucky to have you planning Day Camp!

  4. You are clearly the best leader on the planet. This was awesome. Next years theme sounds just as fun.

    Way to go Amy.

  5. I like the last picture. The scouts looks slightly grossed out by the blood and guts! :-)

  6. Amy, it was a great cub camp, and next year's theme is totally awesome! All the boys will love it! I love all of your ideas Amy!

  7. As always Day Camp was a huge success. Thank you for all of your hard work.

  8. OK so Heidi...don't believe what you read. These fish are Nasty Yucky fish. Sure you can eat them but you couldn't pay me enough. Everyone that I know simply catch them to use as bait for Sturgeon.

  9. Amy I know I said approximately the same thing about last years camp post, but you simply amaze me! To think that you not only do such an incredible job, but to know that you do it year after year?
    The next time I see you I'm going to rub your head to see if any of your incredibleness can rub off onto me!

  10. You always go above and beyond :) Looks like another great success this year!

  11. Im loving all your pictures! There is someone from my family in every single one! :) Camp was awesome, whenever I felt tired at the end of the school year I would think of you! I told so many people and we all feel so bad its the WEEK after school gets out! Thats too much! I don't know how you do it!
