Saturday, July 25, 2009

Happy Mail

It had been a super long time since I had received mail containing this logo. And it's been a long time since Anderson finished treatments for Leukemia.The letter I opened a few weeks ago had three simple questions to follow up on Anderson's progress.
1. Has there been any relapse of cancer.
2. Are there any other major health issues due to his Leukemia or treatment?
3. Do you have any other concerns?I can not tell you how amazing it felt to check the NO box for each and every one of those questions.


  1. I'm smiling all over hearing that news Amy!!!

  2. Thank GOD! That is such good news Amy!

    Okay so I'm looking at the last photo thinking "I've been there"
    Is that over looking SandPoint Idaho or Priest lake or is it taken from Schwitzer Mt.
    It almost looks like a place I've hiked over by St Regis. I've got a Deja Vu thing going here!!!! I think I even have a picture of me posing the same way!!!


  3. That's the best news a person could hope to hear!! I'm so glad he is doing well, I can't even begin to imagine the H-E-double hockey sticks that must have been to endure for all of you.

  4. Oh goodness. This seriously makes my heart so happy. Cancer sucks, and I hate seeing anyone I love having to suffer through it. Give Anderson a big hug for me.

  5. Yes! I love hearing the NO word like that.. So glad he is healthy. Thanks for checking on me. Summer! Lots of things to do & see with kids home...
