Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Corn, Flour or Trout?

Every year we spend a whole week at a lake with the Haertling family. It is pure heaven with nothing but swimming, eating, boating and fishing all week long. On our second day there Rachel and I were busy in the kitchen making dinner while Branson was constantly getting underfoot, tipping the garbage can over or throwing grapes at us. In an effort to lure him into the family room, John gave him a large flour tortilla to snack on. Later as we tidied up after dinner this is what we found on the family room floor...And yes, Branson's tortilla fish was a sign. The fishing was great!


  1. Whoa, that's amazing! I think Branson is pure genius!

  2. Was the fishing really great? Or was reading a book great while everyone else was gone fishing? :)

  3. That's too funny! It is great to spend a week at a lake. But even better when you all get along.

  4. That Branson is one talented kid. Now he's even leaving omens with his half eaten tortillias.
    . . . Big Smile. . . .
