Thursday, August 20, 2009

Words of Wisdom

I read an article yesterday that was so good, I read parts of it twice. Addressed to women across the world I knew that President Uchtdorf was speaking directly to me. Lately I have been feeling anxious and guilty about so many different, trivial things. I am guessing it is simply the end of summer blues since I have seen a distinct rise in sibling spats, whining and all other agonizing traits that my children can bestow. There is never enough time to do it all and too much time doing things that probably don't really matter anyway. I think I may make several copies of the quote below and paste them all over my house. "Rise to the great potential within you. But don't reach beyond your capacity. Don't set goals beyond your capacity to achieve. Don't feel guilty or dwell on thoughts of failure. Don't compare yourself with others. Do the best you can and the Lord will provide the rest. Have faith and confidence in Him, and you will see miracles happen in your life and the lives of your loved ones."
~President Dieter F. Uchtdorf


  1. Thank you for sharing Amy. That's just what I needed to hear today!

  2. Yes Amy, I love that quote ~ thanks for sharing it with us! I think I will also print it out and keep it handy!

  3. I need to go read that article. Right now.

  4. Thanks for sharing that with us! I love the picture of you guys!

  5. ya know i haven't read the article yet since i'm realizing the note on my fridge says my subscription needs to be renewed! ugh! one more thing to the list right? now i'll hop on the website and check it out for sure, and immediately restart my subscription! i ADORE that quote! thanks, you are THE best...and you should ABSOLUTELY come next will be at my house. =)

  6. p.s. juxtapose that quote to the anxiety i get from one of my fav scriptures (i love it, but it makes me feel like i'm not enough & need to always be & do more) Proverbs 31:10-the, President Uchtdorf's statement definitely helps put that scripture into an attainable light. more do-able i guess. =)

  7. What a great quote. I am printing it up and putting it where I can read it often!

  8. Thanks Amy! I needed to read that quote today and then get it put on my wall somewhere I can see it over and over. The end-of-summer blues are definitely hitting me this week...and the children bickering is at an all time high.

  9. Thank you so much. I think I might just paste that up all over my house too!

  10. I feel that way all of the time, and that same quote really stood out to me too!
    You and John look really cute, by the way!

  11. Ahhhh Amy! You made my morning. Loved it - Thank you so much!!!

  12. What a wonderful thought. How is it that the bretheren can be so intune to what we sisters need to hear.

  13. You and John look cute in your picture! Is that your front door? I love the color!

  14. No that is not our front door although I believe at one time our door was supposed to be that is now faded to a pinkish red :P My Uncle has an amazing back yard. He has a long row of trees and where one of them died he put this awesome door. It looks like a doorway to fairy land or some other enchanted adventure.

  15. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings. I love that quote and I need to remember to be me and strive to be a better me without the guilt.

  16. Wonderful quote! Thanks for the great fun last night! Always a pleasure!

  17. Amy, I am just loving this quote, thank you SO much for sharing!!

  18. Very wise words. I think it's so easy for us to overextend ourselves, and then, when we come up short we beat ourselves up for it. While all along, we're really doing a great job, our expectations are just too high.
    It's a great reminder! Thanks!
