Monday, September 21, 2009


If I told you that I was Branson's number one love I would be lying.
All of his waking hours are spent surrounded by his huge bin of Hot Wheels cars. Thanks to his big brothers Branson has 100's of cars to choose from but more often than not he uses them all.

He sends them down the ramps on his Little People Garage and when that gets too jammed with traffic he moves on to our Little Tykes slide where he sends them flying to the pile below.

And quite often he will reach the end of the bucket...
I would love to say that all those cars stay put on their ramps or at the bottom of the slide in the playroom but....

We Find These Cars EVERYWHERE!

In the office...

Under the Fridge...

In the fridge...
In and around the shoe basket...

In the Play Oven...

And my least favorite... the VCR.

(We found about 7 in there, and it is no longer working due to metal die cast cars being shoved into the mechanism)He drives them everywhere... and it is obvious that Grandpa Cazier is a very tolerant man.

(Below: Branson Looking in Grandpa's pocket, just making sure he found all the cars hiding out in there.)You could call it love, or call it an obsession

But here we call it "Good Clean Fun" (Until one of us unknowingly steps on a car with our bare feet and then we call it something else entirely)

(above counting his cars in the bathtub)


  1. So cute! He's definitely all boy. I love all the random places you find the cars--though I'm sure you don't!

  2. This is SUCH a cute post! sorry about your VCR.

  3. i love this post. are you getting to the feeling of sadness becuase our boys are growing up so fast?
    he is so cute. i love all of your pictures. they are pretty funny since i'm not the one stepping on them with bare feet. nope - in my house, that is legos. OUCH.

  4. I can't believe my mom hasn't commented on how that's just the way Kelly was. He LOVED his little cars.

    Very cute. He's lucky he's got a Grandpa in a business that has to do with cars.

  5. Well as a matter of fact Heidi I am commenting. Now. I loved this Amy. Kelly was exactly like that. There was NO SUCH thing as too many cars.
    And there was NO SUCH thing as a car that wasn't Kelly's.
    No matter where we were.
    It goes without saying that we ran into trouble a time or two in public places because of his obsession.
    Thanks for the memories!

  6. Cutest. Post. EVER!!! Oh my goodness, how this put a smile on my face (traffic jams, car in the fridge) and even made me laugh out loud (car on Grandpa Cazier's head). My favorite line: "...unless we step on them and then we call them something else..." hilarious!!! This one's a winner!

  7. ah, a boy and his cars. Starts early doesn't it. Cute shots!! Of course, he's a cute little guy.

  8. I'm with all the other commenters, such a cute post!!! I love all the pictures of where the cars end up. I think we need to get Katie some cars. Someone at church let her borrow one during Sacrament meeting and she loved it!

  9. Cool post Amy! So funny. Gotta love the Hot Wheels, and of course that adorable boy who's playing with them!!

  10. This was adorable! I loved it! What a cute idea documenting all his whereabouts with his favorite toy. I could probably do the same post but with polly pockets over here! So cute, Amy!
