Monday, October 19, 2009

Cayden's Digi Pages

For Home Economics Cayden was given the assignment to create a 10 page 8 1/2 x 11 scrapbook about himself. He had to spend at least 8 hours with family members on the project and include things like journaling and titles. After I mentioned to him that he could design the pages on the computer he was all for it. So with my guidance Cayden produced 10 pages that are all him from start to finish. It was interesting to see how particular he was about choosing his template, photos, papers and fonts. He loved learning how to use Adobe and he was pretty proud of the results. I loved the hours we spent working together on the computer and I thought he did a great job on his pages.


  1. I love them. What a fantastic project. So, so creative.

  2. That is so great! Go Cayden! He did a really good job for his first time. And...they still have home ec???

  3. I love these pages and what a nice school project (that is a way to promote scrapbooking).
    Oh, and thank you for the compliment on my photos in my post.

  4. They're wonderful! What a great job he did. What a fun project too, I'd have loved to have been assigned something like that in school.

  5. Soooo cute. I need to take lesson from you guys. You're so sweet. I do do it all freehand. I just looked at a few letters on the computer. They're shacky up close, but I like it

  6. Wow, Cayden did an amazing job, super impressive! I bet no one elses was that nice!!!!

    Okay, about my son's fight... He ended up getting matched with a much more experienced fighter (this guy had his own coach) and this guy was older by 5 years. My son Tim held is own for a while and refused to tap out but the guy he was fighting got the upper hand and hit him in the head and it was lights out for my son. Yes, he got knocked out cold. I'm so happy my husband was his corner man because as soon as the ref called it, my husband was in the cage with our son. He wasn't out too long in fact many people didn't even realize he was knocked out (good ref) So it was a real good lesson for Tim. He beats school records in most sports and the guys at the fight team in school won't even fight him. So he knows now that he has more training and much more to learn (there is quite a science to MMA) He does however want to finish school and set his sights on school wrestling (he is a senior this year) THEN he will get a coach and get serious. I think that is a good plan. Thanks Amy for asking!
    P.S. I did get some good pictures of him fighting, the gym was very impressed with how long he held his own, and the take downs he did. (that is, right before he got knocked out!)
    P.S.S He is okay, they had a great doctor there.

  7. These layouts are awesome!! I would love to learn how to so this.
    You had asked me Dylan's teacher is her name is Mrs. Squires. She is amazing!

  8. What a cool assignment. And what a great job he did. That is one inspired teacher. I can't help but think how lucky he was to have a mom who thrives on these things.

  9. How cool is that?! They turned out so awesome! And he will always have that. So cool.

  10. He did such a great job! And obviously had a fantastic tutor!

  11. He had to scrapbook for an that's my idea of fun homework!

    He did a fabulous job!

  12. Of course they would look great, it's in his genes.
