Friday, October 2, 2009

I Spy an Easy Birthday Party!

So when you have a few extra items left over from CSI: Cub Scout Day is real easy to purchase the left over items and use them for a birthday party. I didn't think a group of nine year old girls would enjoy a crime scene party as much as they did!It was Sydney's idea to have the invitations printed backwards so her friends would have to read the directions in a mirror. I remember when I would spend hours and hours creating the perfect cake. How did I do that!? I spent exactly 5 minutes on her cake. Two minutes buying it from the Wal-Mart bakery (it was blank other than the little circle candies sprinkled around the sides) Two minutes writing "I SPY" with store bought icing in a can (it comes out like the cheese in a can) and one minute to push the candles and magnifying glass into the icing. I can truly say that Sydney was thrilled with the glad I didn't worry about building a cake in the shape of a magnifying glass like I had originally planned.Decorations were easy...crime scene tape and caution tape everywhere. We always get a picture with each friend as they arrive at the party.Each "Secret Agent" received their own clipboard, and while we waited for the other guests to arrive they "fingerprinted" their boards.
The only other planned activity was the CLUE/TREASURE HUNT. Each girl placed her Suspect list on her clipboard and was ready for the big case.

To make the game go smoothly I let them know that it wasn't a race. All the girls could look for the two hidden papers at each spot but unless your name was on it you weren't supposed to pick it up. At each station there was a HINT and a CLUE. The hint helped them check off their suspect/item/room list as they tried to narrow down: 1. who committed the crime 2. what item was stolen 3. what room the item was taken from. Then there was the CLUE that told them what location they could find the next HINT and CLUE. All the girls did a great job. They would shout out the person's name when they found the hidden clue and then they all listened as they took turns reading the clues out loud.
The final clue led the girls to our BBQ Grill where hidden inside was their goody bag...a small Spy kit.
The bags were 3 for $1.00 at Dollar Tree. The girls also got a magnifying glass, tweezers, note pad, pen, specimen baggie, fingerprinting dusting brush, vinyl gloves, chalk, and candy.
With time left before parents would come, the girls continued to play "SPY" for the rest of the afternoon.


  1. Oh my gosh, Amy! That is so awesome! I would have loved that as a little kid! Heck, I'd love it now!

    That's so nice you didn't have to spend forever on a cake. I bet Sydney LOVED her party!

  2. So much fun! It definitely looks impressive--just lucky for you it was so easy! Happy Birthday to Sydney!

  3. What a fun idea! Creative and unique! Princess parties are so yesterday!!! hee hee!

  4. that is so creative! I stink when it comes to stuff like that.

  5. You know Amy, you and my daughter Heidi should go into business together as party specialists. She is one of the few other people I know that has such excellent ideas for things like parties. She has put on some doozys for my grandaughters. I love the creativity we Mathews offspring enjoy. And I even more love the fact that I can see how clever and creative all of my younger cousins (whom BECAUSE of their youngness I never really knew very well)truly are. I just find new things to admire about you every week!

  6. I just love it and wish I could have been there and play...

  7. We did a mutual activity just like this a few weeks ago...except instead of finding their clues on paper they had to interview the suspects. It was such fun!

    Cute party!

  8. Amy,
    Would it be possible to get more info on the party? My son will be having his 9th birthday in January. I live in the area, I recognize the name of the Camp Tracy Cub Country Camp! I would love it if you could e-mail me with some more info. By any chance do you know Paulynn H. who has worked at Cub Country for years now?
    Kim O., Bountiful

  9. Hi, Amy.
    I write about kids' birthday parties for and would love to feature your spy party on my site.
    Please send me an e-mail if you're interested.

    Here's my site:

    Thanks for considering it. is owned by The New York Times and has 60 million unique users each month.


  10. how good it seems to me that children develop an extra skill to others with this type of probe activities must use his intellect and reasoning in addition to fun, so to me it sounds like fun, what a great idea I congratulate them. I think I have to play with my wife and will not be required to buy viagra.

  11. Awesome! I love this idea! Would you share your clues and suspect card with me? My daughter's tenth birthday is NEXT WEEK and I'm at a loss of what to do. I could use your help! : )


  12. Could I get a copy of the clues and papers you passed out to the girls? I would love to do this I spy party for my son's 10th birthday but it is this Saturday, 5 days away! I am running out of time and I love this idea! Thank you! Joy

  13. Hi Amy. Found your blog when researching spy party ideas and wondering if it is at all possible to have you email me a template of the invite please and the clue/hint game. Was all just what I was looking for and struggling to make up my own as I'm rubbish at doing it. Cheers

  14. Hi Amy, I too have been searching for spy party ideas for my daughter who is turning 9 next month! Most of the ideas I have found have been so complicated, and time-consuming. It looks like you have made your mark by creating an original party to keep young girl's attention but yet keeping it simple enough! Love your ideas! If you wouldn't mind sharing, here is my email.


  15. Hi Amy,

    I love your ideas for the spy party. I am planning a party for my soon to be 9 yr old and was looking for some games we could play in the house or patio. I would appreciate it if you could email me a copy of the spy game.

  16. Hi Amy,

    I've just stumbles across your blog and am enjoying it greatly! As with many of the previous requests, did you make a template of your clues/ hints for your daughter's party? If so, would it be possible for you to share a copy? Looking ahead to the winter months and trying to plan a bit ahead. Cheers!

    Amanda Netting

  17. I LOVE this idea! You are so talentated to come up w/ all of this! I know your kids loved it! Would you be willing to share all the details?

