Just For Fun~My creative blog for scrapbooking and digital freebies!
If you are in need of a good book you can find one at http://amysbookcollection.blogspot.com/!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Fall Photo Shoot

I was honored when Danyelle asked if I would take Abby's photos for her baptism. They came over on a gorgeous November day and while Abby was putting on her dress I snuck outside with Oliver to snap a few pictures. Take two very cute kids and a beautiful fall day and this is what you get...

Now if only my kids would be so cooperative when I go to take their picture!


Svenja said...

Amy, I just LOVE those photos, they are soooo good. How did you make Oliver smile in every picture??? I like the black and white from Oliver. You just have to love such chubby little cheeks. Great job!

Heidi D said...

I love all of those pictures. How do you get them to look so professional? Is it all camera or is photoshop a factor? I think my camera is decent, but I would like to know how to get some of those finishes for my pictures.

Very cute kids too. :)

SuzanSayz said...

Beautiful work there Amy. I wish someone had thought to take pictures of me for my ever important eighth birthday.

Em and Ms said...

Those pictures are so beautiful! I know what you mean with your own kids though...it never works that way.

Shayla said...

Beautiful pics, Amy!

Robin Beck said...

Oh my goodness, how very precious both of them are.

By the way Amy, you do great work! The photography is beautifully done.


P.S. LOVE your header!

Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Every set of pics I see from you looks better than the one before! We have GOT TO get over there for some pics of OUR family!! :)

Kristen said...

Amy, these are great photos!!

I LOVE it when people ask me to take pictures of their children for them! It's a blast and fun to shoot a different subject. I would think Cayman would be appreciative of that but wouldn't you know, she insists on being a camera hog. For example, when we went to the African Safari on Sunday, I was taking pictures of Ashalyn, the other little girl with us. And Cayman started to fuss and complain until I turned the camera on her. Cracked us up!

Oh and by the way, you might find this website to be very fun


It's where I found some of the photography articles I mentioned in today's post.

Ben and Alissa said...

Cute pictures! All the ones of Abby are so beautiful and I absolutely love the one of Oliver with the leaf!

Kinda funny you had this post today. I woke up thinking that we needed to get our pictures taken for our Christmas card soon and was thinking about who could take them and I thought of you! But I'm sure you'll be booked now that everyone sees your awesome work! :)

dandee said...

Thank you again Amy for the pretty pictures. You are so talented!

karen★ said...

You did a wonderful job! Those pictures are beautiful!

Alicia Leppert said...

My family next! My family next!

Lee said...

They look great!! I can't believe how big the kids are getting!

Anonymous said...

so, if there is any time that you would like to come over to anacortes and take our family's picture for free, i'll pay for your gas. deal?

LKP said...

yet another fabulous example of why you are so cool, amy. =) i think that niece of yours looks soooo much like you its crazy! oliver's the cutest...man did you strike it easy as far as clients are concerned or what?! have a great week. =)

melissa mae said...

Those pictures are so precious!

Deborama said...

GORGEOUS! I love them all, that black and white one of those cheeks! He is so big already! Oh my word, so perfect! :) I love the little tiny blue cast! It makes my heart hurt for him, its so cute though! At least its not summer I guess, could you imagine trying to keep him out of the water! Abby looks so grown up with that long pretty hair! Great pics!

aubrey said...

So, so adorable! Wish you were closer so I could hire you for our family portrait this year :( The fourth photo down of Oliver s hilarious!

Marilyn said...

Amy, you did a WONDERFUL job, like really really good. I love them all.

polka dots said...

fantastic job amy.

ashley said...

Beautiful. Both the girl, and the boy, and the pictures themselves! Great job Amy!

LKP said...

ABSOLUTELY stealable! =) I'll post an update with the andy warhol campbell's soup can i destroyed too! feel free to use however & whenever you like...i wound up tossing 1 sm can mushroom soup into a little basket with 1 big can of green beans & a can of french fried onions, along with the card which featured the new & improved warhol on the front, and the attached magnet on the inside (double stick tape helps hold it in, though you could create tabs in inside of the card to slide the magnet into if you'd rather). run wild with it.

LKP said...

update's official, so there ya have it. i can always email you the files if you want them. =) let me know.

Lisa Christine said...

Those photo's are exquisite. And Danyelle's children...beautiful.

Mikki said...

Great photos Amy J!!! Will you come and take ours too??

Together We Save said...

Wonderful pictures

Bren's Life said...

I miss you Amy! I LOVE your pictures!!! You are so amazing! And your kids are BEAUTIFUL!!!!