Sunday, November 22, 2009

Falling For Fridays

Picture me pushing Branson in his stroller down a rough cement walk way toward the Columbia River bike path. We see hundreds of seagulls directly in front of us just milling around. Can you see the light bulb click in my fun it would be to push Branson really fast yelling "Fly Birdies Fly!" How thrilled a toddler would be to see so many birds fly off at the same time.

Picture me taking exactly three running steps. In that picture did you see the small patch of grass growing out of a crack in the Me neither.

Picture the stroller coming to a complete stop after the wheels hit that patch of grassy weeds. But do I stop...oh no I do not!

Picture this...The stroller slams forward into the ground as the weight of my body continues on even after the stroller has come to a halt. I fly (I think I caught some serious air) over the stroller and end up sprawled on the cement quite a distance in front of the stroller. Before I assess my own wounds I look back after hearing Branson screaming. Now sometime during this whole charade the seagulls flew off in all their splendid glory but I sure didn't see it and neither did Branson cause he was face down against the cement and completely covered up by the stroller.

Branson and I are going to skip Fridays for a while. He broke his leg on a Friday and this happened last Friday. I am still pretty sore from the fall and you should see the nasty ginormous bruise on my thigh. But it is nothing compared to what Branson received. I feel terrible! Every time I look at it a wave of motherly guilt hits me in the gut. And no one was even there to get a good view of a 30 something woman flying over her son's stroller.
*If you are a digital scrapbooker I have a freebie template that you can find here.


  1. OH NOOOOOOOO! Poor little fella. Friday Stay In Day from now on for sure.

    But the thought of it all is rather funny....hee hee hee....ha ha ha....BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA....ha...ha....oh sigh....

  2. Oh. my. goodness. sakes.

    Yes no more Fridays days out for you two!

    Your posts always warm my heart though Amy. You think alot like I did and do alot of things I did with my kids when they were younger/Yes there were lots of bumps and bruises and a few late night visits to the ER. But oh the love and the memories. I wouldn't give them up for anything and we all crack up telling stories about them now that the kids are older!

    Have a blessed week...I hope you both stop feeling sore soon!

    P.S. He is so stinkin' precious.

  3. I’ really sorry and hope you two feel much better soon……is it really bad if I tell you that I still have to smile about the way you wrote that post and that I still picture you in the air……it is just the landing I don’t want to think about……big ouch…….

  4. I swear, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were recounting a cartoon or something.

    I'm conflicted. I feel really bad for you and your poor baby getting hurt. I also can't help but laugh picturing it in my head.

    Fridays, definitely out.

  5. Oh man... this is horrible. But I have to admit until I saw Bransons head I was thinking it was quiet funny - not anymore. I hope you both are feeling better soon. Bummer!

  6. Ouch! It might be a good idea to skip Fridays for a little while.
    I bet you are sore.

    You had good intentions! I am sure that you will remeber this for a long time.

  7. Ouch! Poor Branson, and poor you! Yeah, you should probably lock yourselves away on Fridays for a while :)

  8. Oh that makes me want to cry! It sounded so fun. I thought maybe one of the birds pooped on you or something!! Poor baby! I hope your feeling better too...

  9. I have officially stopped whining about the bump I got on my forhead this morning when I walked straight into a bookcase and got a bump on my forhead. I am so sorry for both of you.

  10. Is it bad that I laughed? Poor mom and Branson!

  11. Wow! Your camera can get such a good picture with so much detail! My kids battle wounds always look so wimpy in my pictures, I would always say, it looks worse in person, but man you can really get the whole feeling in the pit of your stomach when you see that! Poor YOU! I have found my 34 year old boday doesnt fly in the air like it used to! I get massive bruises going down a slip and slide! :( Hilarious story though, no other way to handle it but laugh!

  12. Oh no! Poor Branson and poor you! That is quite the bump! I hope you both get all your bumps and bruises healed soon, and yes, avoiding Friday outings sounds like a good plan...!

  13. Oh my gosh, you told this story exactly how I pictured it in my head--hilarious. Just imagining you trying to do something fun and having it go so very wrong. And the "fly birdies fly" totally made you sound like the wicked witch of the west. One of my biggest regrets in life is that I didn't witness that. I guess the image in my head will have to do...and it's pretty dang good. Oh yeah, poor Branson.

  14. As twenty years from now Branson's psychologist finally gets to the root of his terrible fear of strollers and seagulls.
    Start putting money away now Amy. You know, just in case he sues you for past pain and suffering.
    tee hee hee hee hee

  15. Reading the story was just as good as hearing it from you (and sad of course). Poor Branson (and you with the guilt). Thanks for venturing out with us Friday after the accident.

  16. Oh my GOSH! You guys! I'm so sorry for your unfortunate mishap. despite the owies, the thought of you flying over the stroller is kind of funny. tee hee. I'm glad you have such a great sense of humor about it!

  17. Oh, Amy J.! I'm so sorry. I can just feel the guilt for you. Totally sounds like something I would do though. I certainly don't blame you for skipping Fridays.
    At least your heart was in the right spot, and he won't even remember it.
