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Monday, December 14, 2009

Blue Christmas!!!

Yep...the cast is back on. When they removed the first cast the x-ray showed that the break was healing well. Branson hobbled around without the cast for a few days and then refused to put any pressure on his injured foot and started crawling again. The doctor said there is no way to re-injure this type of break but that his leg probably needs more time in the cast for the added support. So for five more weeks we will be having sponge baths. We went for the dark blue cast this time and he has been walking around on it better than ever. In fact...he has insisted on helping out more around the house. I have made the appointments and the rest of the family will be getting their casts put on next week.


Kristen said...

Oh man, I was eating a bowl of cereal when I was reading this and I about sprayed it over my computer screen when I read that last line. Amy, you are hilarious!!

Em and Ms said...

Aww, it look so sad and cute at the same time. I'm glad it's helping him though. I agree, your last comment had me laughing!

aubrey said...

Oh, poor little guy! What a trooper, vacuuming and helping out still. Goodness, I get a paper cut and I am out for the week!!

Robin Beck said...

You are such a crack up! Branson reminds me so much of my son when he was Branson's age (Ty had a blue cast too)

Hey, I wanted to come over and officially thank you for your prayers for Timothy, he is back at school today and looking like his old self again...Thanks from the bottom of my heart Amy.

Much Love,

Ben and Alissa said...

That's too bad. Sorry! At least it's going to heal well and he'll be able to walk around. Very cute picture of the vacuuming! Love it!

SuzanSayz said...

Amy! You are an absolute Genius!! Is it possible that you have actually found the solution to the age old problem of getting family members to help out around the house?!? WOW! If this actually works, I believe that you could be up for the next Nobel Peace Prize. This is much more impressive an achievement than anything our President has done!
Casts for EVERYBODY!!!

On a simpler note, you are just too funny!

LKP said...

ha ha! is THAT all it takes to get 'em up & moving with the chores?! NO WONDER! and i thought i'd tried everything. =) i responded to your comment, but forgot the response was on my blog (seriously, that's where my head's at now). so here it is again, cause it's important to me for you to know that i'm sad to hear you weren't feeling good. hope you're feeling better. seth & i figured it had just been another doozy of a friday this last week and perhaps you were home with branson. lol. i did notice your boys brought friends. i hope they had a good time, and that they didn't feel like they were gotten after too hard. i know i directed 'em to the gym right when the program was getting started, however i think your boys & their friends were not our problem kids of the night! hooray! the other kids kept ringing the class bell in the primary hall! THOSE kids i feel bad for (but i want to make sure yours weren't among them), as they got THE EYE and a stern "get to the gym, NOW" from me. so, please check with your boys and let them know i was not trying to be mean. thanks =)

Debie Spurgeon said...

That's so funny. So that's what it takes to get a little help.

Anonymous said...

bring them over - abe'll do it for free! my kids will be next in line.
i'm so glad it's not another break. when i saw the picture i couldn't believe he broke another bone. glad he's such a good sport about it.

::lindsay said...

Ha! That comment had me laughing too. I guess that's all we needed around here--just a cast for everyone!

Seriously though, hope he finally heals up!

Lisa Christine said...

Do you think he wants to come vacuum my house too?


Mikki said...

LOL! Let me know if that works for you--I'll be making the same appointments too!

Heidi D said...

Look at him helping, so cute. :)

It matches his sweatshirt too.

On a different note, what do you think about the Pasco school system? I know you're a bit biased, but which schools are good and which ones aren't? I'm looking for middle school and elementary.

Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Amy, that last sentence made me laugh - and I needed to laugh, so THANKS!!!