Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Spirit of Christmas

"To catch the real meaning of the spirit of Christmas we need only drop the last syllable and it becomes the spirit of Christ" President Thomas S. Monson


  1. love that quote!

    p.s. i can teach you some mad bow skillz =)

  2. What an awesome quote and a cute picture!

    Is that your President Monson snowglobe? hee hee, I thought it might be for a moment....goodness I need some sleep!

  3. Ah, that is a great reflective thought!

  4. Oh and one more thing...

    Great job on finding the Charlie Brown trees at such a deal!!

    I can't take credit for the cute Linus blanket idea. My tree came with it.

  5. I've felt that this may be the reason I'm not feeling Christmasy. So, I'm going to the temple today to fix it hopefully.

    Thanks for a lovely post. :)

  6. gorgeous picture, gorgeous message. Thanks!

  7. I don't remember when or which medium, but I heard that somewhere yesterday. I love President Monson. There is just something so humble and approachable about him.

  8. A*D*O*R*A*B*L*E! Love the quote!

    To answer your quesion about the bird tree on my blog: It only takes them a day or two to find it. I didn't post this (and should have) but I get hummingbird buzzing the star so I put a little hummer feeder on the tree. I also get lots of Juncos and chickadees among many other birds that eat what falls to the ground. It's the coolest thing to watch.

    Have a Merry weekend.

  9. yeah, its a magical day i think. full to the brim with blessings. H's feeling better, jory & i are both enjoying freedom (i'd actually considered titling that post "free at last, free at last, thank god almighty i'm free at last" but i didn't want to offend anybody, especially if they weren't die-hard dc talk fans like myself back in the day) btw, your pic on this post is fabulous & i forgot to mention it earlier. =) your larson shoot was adorable as well. i was thinking AGAIN that we need to hang out more, and hopefully i'll be finding new photoshop in my stocking this year! we could have soooo much fun =)

  10. thank you!and i think i've mentioned how cute Branson is plently times, but I'll say it again. He's so stinkin cute!

  11. Beautiful, the quote and the picture.
