Monday, December 7, 2009

The True Christmas Spirit!

Branson got his cast off on Friday and the first thing we did was stick him in the bath. (You don't know how badly I wanted to Photoshop all his bumps and scrapes...but he has been having a rough month to say the least.) He had added a few action figures to his bath water and he kept pointing to one of them and saying something over and over... "Jesus!"

OK honey...yes he has a beard but I don't think Jesus ever dressed up like Rambo.


  1. That bath picture is too cute! I'm so glad he finally got his cast off. This Friday you shouldn't leave the house! No more "accident Fridays"!

  2. Ha ha--thanks for the laugh! Glad he's finally free from the cast!

  3. He just keeps on getting cuter and cuter. Maybe you'll have to go to one of those Christian Bible type stores and get him a real Jesus "action figure?"
    I don't really know though? Would that be blasphemy?

  4. Hey, Jesus is definitely an action figure. Everything about Jesus Christ was about action. So, Branson appreciates his GI Joe guy as a good representation of the Savior then don't burst his bubble quite yet! Seth was laughing SO hard when he saw this post. Something about Branson & my husband. There's is unexplainable connection---like kindred spirits. Seth thoroughly enjoys hearing about daily Branson adventures!
    You're right btw, feels soooo good to have the Christmas card done. I think I'll feel the same way after the ward party is complete & finished, maybe only on a higher level. ::shrugs:: Maybe not. I gotta connect with you this week and see if your printer likes paper bags as friends, not food. Not sure if mine does, may give it a whirl first.

  5. LOL!!! That cracked me up!!

    Cayman is excited for her Christmas CD. :)

  6. Thanks for the laugh, whew, I needed that today!

    So cute!


  7. I was noticing all of his battle scars. He's a sweet little guy.

    That guy does look a lot like Jesus. Just some different clothes maybe.

  8. Ha! That cracked me up. I love it.

    What a cute kid you've got. I'm so glad the cast came off finally.

  9. Poor little guys, bumps and bruises all over :(

    You must tell me where I too can pick up my very own, genuine Jesus action figure. hee hee! so adorable!

  10. Still hilarious! It's so funny to me, because Macy carried around a little Snow White action figure forEVER when she was two that she called Jesus. Never did figure out why.

  11. Haha, what a cute story-and a cute boy!

  12. I found the Charlie Brown Christmas tree at Meijer's on sale for $10. It's originally $15.

    Cayman said she will be watching for the mailman. :)
