Sunday, January 10, 2010

Two Heads...No, Three Heads Are Better Than One!

Two years ago I got my Christmas "Thank You" cards out in June...I am not joking...JUNE!!!!
Last year I think they went out sometime towards the end of January, but this year....
less than one week after Christmas Baby!
I have mentioned before that my own kids DO NOT cooperate for a photo sitting. I took about eight different shots of them on Christmas day and all I can say is...Only ONE of my kids head is actually from this original photo! I had to photoshop three of them in! Good Grief!


  1. I still have thank you's to write...

    And your photoshop skills rock!

  2. Impressive Amy! Finally a solution for the frustrated picture taking parents of the world. Who knows, this just might start a revolution. No longer does one need to gather ones family for a group shot. Simply take many pictures of each person during the day, crop the best of each and paste them all back together into one picture.
    I think you are on to a really great idea. Especially for familys with several young children!

  3. It's hard to believe you photoshopped them in. I really want to make it to your class Tuesday. The elementary concert for Dallin is that night but hopefully it's early so I can come:)

  4. So impressive. I wish I had your skillz. Photoshop skillz, numchuck skillz...

  5. Yeah, you'd never know it. It looks great! And good job on getting them out! Maybe this year you'll get them out in June, but that's because they'll just be 6 months early!

  6. Boy, you can sure tell they are siblings! So handsome and beautiful!

    Great job Amy!


  7. Great job!! No way would I ever be able to tell.

    My Christmas cards are still sitting on my kitchen counter. I'm hoping to get them out before next Christmas. I figure they're either really late, or really early.

  8. you are a photoshop genius.
    i still need to do thank yous. i don't do cards. i'm too lazy.

  9. amy, you. rock.

    your class tonight was great.

    you should host one like once a month, or once every two months.

    i know they feel like a lot to prep for, but you are such a natural at teaching & sharing with people. makes it enjoyable to be your digi student!

    have to say that i'd been SERIOUSLY struggling with vignettes, and had almost just given up on them altogether. thanks for enlightening us.

