Thursday, February 25, 2010

Double the Sweetness

For Anderson's second grade year he had an amazing, brand new, single woman as a teacher. She was awesome. And through the years she got married, taught Cayden in second grade and had a beautiful little girl, Avery, just a few weeks after Branson was born. (We are planning a play date as soon as possible!) This year Sydney has the pleasure of having her as a teacher! Jamie is amazing...I have always thought so, but after seeing this new mom of twins in action...WOW.

I had no idea how hard it was going to be to get shots of newborns...times two. I guess for your first ever baby photo shoot it's probably not smart to have double the infants.

The baby girls are beautiful! They are named Audra and Addisyn. They are so tiny as both of them have just cleared the 5 pound mark. It is wonderful to see that at just a few weeks they both already have such distinct personalities. I couldn't tell them apart, but according to Jamie, Grandpa can tell every time. After retouching all these photos I have noticed that one of them has a tiny little freckle on the side of her nose! (I think it is Addisyn)

Jamie, her sister in law Michelle, and I worked together for two hours to get some shots of the twins. We were all very patient with each other...I had a hard time with the angles and lighting and the babies were not in the mood to be models (what baby is?) I am not thrilled with the clarity (I had to turn my ISO way up) so we are going to try again in a few weeks at my house with the big picture windows. I told Jamie that we'll just keep trying till we get it right.


  1. Wow! Those are beautiful shots and adorable little babes. Tell Jamie congrats. For my next baby I will know who to call.

  2. So beautiful. I can't wait for you to shoot Danee! We will be in town the weekend of March 13. Are you available at all then?

  3. Great shots, Amy! We are huge fans of Mrs. B in our house as well. The babies are just beautiful!

  4. Oh BABIES! I LOVE babies. I also love photographs of babies. You don't disappoint at all Amy!

  5. I love the first one of the twins, both of them have their eyes closed and one has her arm on the other. So sweet! Then the last one of the four baby feet, love it!

  6. Wow, look at all those cute little feet! It's so fun to see you progress as a photographer--keep sharing!

  7. Amy, again you did a WONDERFUL job and Jami too thought the pictures were perfect! I never realized how hard it was to take pictures of newborns.

  8. i know you don't think they are perfect...only because you took them. i love the one with the feet in the bright pink blanket, the one with the big sister kissing the top of the head and the twins cuddled in the blanket with one of them holding the other's arm.
    what a gift of pictures! (that sounds totally cheesy but it's true)

  9. I don't know Amy, I think you captured some real keepers there. I love the one with the baby crying and mommy's hand on her head. My favorite would be a tie between the black and white with the girls one of them has her hand on the others arm...Then the two of them sleeping in the pink blanket-Those are priceless Amy.
    The black and white with all the feet and mommy's hand is so cute!

    I love them all and look forward to seeing how much they grow by the next photo shoot. All the girls (the twins and their sister) are beautiful.

    Someday I'm going to be just like you Amy. I so want to do the kind of photography you are doing. You just happen to be a huge inspiration to me...Thanks~♥

  10. You're right about Jamie, she is amazing!

    These shots are great! I love #8. super sweet.

  11. I love the one of Jamie soothing her crying baby girl with a kiss on the head and the other one of the two of them asleep on the pink blankie. Nice Job!

  12. Your photos are gorgeous Amy! Once again, I wish I lived closer to you and your mad skills!

  13. They all look good, I do really like the pink blanky and the last one best.

  14. Oh. My. Gosh. These are AMAZING!!! The way you described the trials of the shoot with the lighting and all, I imagined the pictures looking like someone at home laying their baby on a blanket and snapping away with a disposable camera! These look like they were done in a studio!! I am beyond impressed. You got mad skillz, woman. And those babies are beautiful!!

  15. ALL those feet! That is so cute! Them sleeping all bundled is super adorable! Oh and the brownie pan is not hard to clean, its actually very nice smooth non stick stuff but Im just super lazy and the 3 pieces is hard on me! :)

  16. Amy, I think you did an excellent job capturing these moments of love and joy.

  17. i can't believe i haven't commented on this post yet!!!
    believe me, i KNOW i did in my head. these little angels are so precious. i don't care what you say, i think these images turned out beautifully! fab job, aims.
    ok, the pix on the side bar. in your blog layout you can add a gadget that lists blogs you like or are following. once you've added the gadget, then you will configure your blog list. its only a matter of checking the box that says show "thumbnail of most recent item". VOILA! and you're done. =) pretty nifty trick.

  18. These are fantastic!! I love them. I think you're doing a great job, and I'll bet she's thrilled with them, even if you see some flaws. (I can't see any!)
