Thursday, May 22, 2008

May Showers Bring...Tears?

Every since he was one month old Branson has loved taking a shower. For about a month now he has made it quite difficult to take a shower alone if he is anywhere in the vicinity. I thought I would document just how stubborn this sixth month old is so that no one will judge me if they see my in the late hours of the day and I have yet to take a shower...

As soon as I lay him down on the bathroom rug he faces the shower door and his arms and legs begin to fly around like crazy. Turn the water on and he about dances out of his diaper!

As soon as I step into the shower and close the door he realizes he has not been invited in. The happy times are over. I wash as fast as I possibly can while listening to a chorus of wailing and gnashing of....gums. (No teeth yet) He gets pretty ticked.

Simply open the door to the shower and all tears stop immediately, the legs begin kicking again and he is back to being excited. This is him cooing and thanking me for washing so very quickly so that he can now get into the shower.

I have created a monster! But a clean monster.


  1. That is so funny. I hope you were wearing a bathing suit ;). I just had to say that one. Well, I won't judge you Amy. I'll just wear noseplugs when I come over.

    Such a cutie and darling boy though..

  2. I know this too well. I am one of those that HAS TO shower every morning or it flat ruins my day. Those days were quite interesting to say the least. I am lucky now because Chez doesn't wake up until 8:30 so I have lots of quiet shower time........ahhhhhh!

  3. I've never had a baby shower with me. Audrey does love the sound of the shower...she plays happily on the tile while I get cleaned up.

  4. Oh, those pictures are adorable. He's such a cutie. Neither one of my kids wanted anything to do with showers... Go figure.

  5. This was so funny! I love the pictures!

    My babies all LOVED showering with me. Maddie sometimes showers 3 times a day depending on who will let her in while they shower. She throws an absolute fit if she can't shower, too. So funny.

  6. Oh my gosh, this is my FAVORITE post you've ever done. (I know you haven't blogged long, but still...) The pictures were classic, soooo adorable. The minute I saw him I immediately got this empty feeling after having him, holding him, smelling him, talking to him, seeing his grins for so long today. I miss him already! Anyway, I loved this post and especially the last one of him IN the shower, grinning.

  7. so cute and so familiar! my babies love to shower with me...and it certainly speeds up the "getting ready for the day" process each morning! showers also make great swimming babies who aren't afraid to get their heads wet.

  8. My kids were always a little weary of the shower until much older. I love that Branson is willing to shower with you because it makes for such a faster morning routine.

    At least the boy knows what he likes :)

  9. I love that you caught each of his emotions so well with your camera. You are a great photographer.

  10. Great pictures! Branson is such a cute little guy. I love that he likes the shower. There are much worse things than a boy who likes to be clean :)

  11. How cute! I love it! Branson is getting so big!

  12. i love that you've photo journaled this little quirk of bransons. i forget little things like this and it makes me so sad.
