Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Peace on Earth Goodwill Toward...ME!

I love Goodwill, yard sales or any Thrift Shop for that matter. If I have the time, a few buck and some wet wipes I am good to go. Here is what I found this weekend at Goodwill and a yard sale!

Board Books for Branson .25 each

VHS (I'll take what I can get) Baby Einstein at Branson's age level $1.00 each

Picture books to add to our collection; paper back .25 each, hard back .50

Another copy of one of my all time favorite books (the pages are falling out of our original) .25

Novels for the boys, .50 each

Gap jean skirt for Sydney $1.75

Chapter books that Sydney enjoys .50 each

Poetry books for our Library .50 each

Swim shorts for Sydney $1.50

Another of my all time favorites! Already have it, don't need a new one, just couldn't pass it up and it will make a great gift! .25

**When Sydney was little she heard my boys talking about this cool book and she thought it was called Diarrhea Worm

Dinosaur PJ's for Payson $2.00

***He came with me to Goodwill and he fell in love with these even though they are a size 10! He also sat on the floor as I went through the books and kept repeating, "Amy...don't you have enough books can't we go to the car now?!" Alicia, your son has no appreciation for the good things in life!

Beautiful bookcase to house my stamp sets $25.00

Why I love Goodwill...Curious George Colors Board Book Regularly $6.99 my price .25.

***It wasn't until I took this picture that I saw where this book was originally purchased!

So one of the things that attracted me to blogging were the fun giveaways that people have sometimes put together...so here is mine!

Blogger, Bargain Book Giveaway!

To enter, simply comment on this post and be sure to include the following...(I have to get something in return)

  1. Your favorite Adult book
  2. Your favorite Young Adult book
  3. Your favorite Children's Picture book (With or Without words)

The Winner will Receive...

A collection of books from me! Of course they will be used (if you are worried, go back and read this post again!) You will get to pick the type of books from the following list...

  1. Young Adult Novels
  2. Children's Picture Books
  3. Children's Poetry
  4. Chapter Books
  5. Board Books
  6. Easy/early readers
  7. A mix of all of the above

I LOVE shopping for books and I will do so with the winner in mind. For those of you who only love Adult novels, sorry you are out of luck...not my thing, you'll have to go shopping on your own. The winner will be announced on Friday! Good luck!


  1. Amy, Amy, Amy - it looks like you beat me to some great finds! Where did you find that great bookshelf? Do you want to resale it to me for $30? ;) My plan for today is to attend Kyle's play at the school and then Bennett and I are thrift shopping. When were you there? And which one(s)?

  2. Now to clarify for the contest - is a picture book one with NO words or just few words??

  3. Sorry Jodi...it's a no sale. I got it at a yard sale down the street and I LOVE it! Everything else was from Pasco's Goodwill. (As I am sure you know) they have the biggest selection of books, but they also have the most expensive prices on books! My next outing will take me to Richland's Goodwill. What have you found lately? And where do you go most? By the way...I love your frog.

  4. Oh, and to answer your question, Picture books can be with or without words...I'm not picky.

  5. Dangit!! I figured you got it from a yard sale. The Goodwills are getting pretty pricey lately. I was planning on hitting the Pasco one today. Oh my goodness, I gotta head to the school. I'll comment more later. By the way...Thanks! I've collected frogs since I was a little girl and I thought this one was pretty cute!

  6. Thanks for the fun contest Amy. You know that I am not a huge reader but, here are my favs.
    Adult book--The proper care and feeding of husbands by Dr. Laura
    Young Adult book--Kensuke's Kingdom
    Picture book--Good night gorilla

  7. Wow Amy! I'm impressed by all your great finds! That bookcase is really nice. And Jodi--I like frogs too!

    I'd love to be in your contest, and I'm trying to think of favorite books but it's hard, especially since I can't really pick a favorite anything.
    Adult--I'm currently reading Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, does that count?
    Young Adult--I recently read the Chronicles of Narnia for the first time and LOVED them!
    Childrens--Madelyn really likes Hippos Go Berserk and Never Put a Frog in the Kitchen Sink

    I hope I win!

  8. My son may have no appreciation for good sales, but he definitely has appreciation for used dino jammies.

    What a fun idea for a giveaway!

    Adult Novel: DaVinci Code
    Young Adult: Twilight series (duh)
    I keep meaning to tell you Bill read Diary of a Worm to Payson the other day and we were laughing so hard. Payson didn't get it so much, but Bill is still quoting the "your face will always look like your rear end" line. So that's my new favorite kids book. Hilarious.

  9. You've only been blogging for less than a month and are already hosting a giveaway? Look at you go!

    I love giveaways and I could absolutely use the big prize! I would definitely choose preschool books and build up my library!

    As far as my favorites go:
    adult - DaVinci Code
    young adult - I was addicted to all the books by VC Andrews in junior high. Dark, I know.
    children's book - Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? My preschoolers love this one, too!

  10. That is a really nice piece of furniture, I'm obviously never there at the right time.
    OK. Here's my list:

    Adult: Memoirs of a Geisha
    YA: Tuck Everlasting
    Picture: Wemberly Worried

  11. I should have met you half way at the garage sale and put up a big fight over that awesome case. You totally deserve that one though. Love it so..

    Your collection of finds is indeed praiseworthy. I love those finds too. The funniest find I have ever found was at the Richland Goodwill it was this- A birdhouse. But, when I turned it over it said-made by MITT ROBBINS 2000. I bought it for a dollar and went over to my parents and showed them my purchase. He laughed so hard.

    I would want a complete and total surprise from you. I love love having you in the blogging world. You add so many chapters and pages to it..

  12. Me AGAIN (sorry). Okay - for your contest:
    1. Well, I'm currently reading "Plain Truth" by Jodi Picoult - so I guess I'll say that
    2. "Twilight"
    3. I would say "Diary of a Worm" too (LOVE it!), but I don't want it to seem like I'm copying Alicia - so I'll say "Mr. Brown Can Moo" by Dr. Seuss

  13. Amy- I think that since our husbands spend so much time fishing together that the next time you go bargin shopping/yard sale shopping that you should take me. You got some awesome finds.-Kim Hatch (Dans wife)

    Adult Novel- I loved the entire Children of The Promise series by Dean Hughes.
    Yound Adult Novel- Him She Loves, I wish I could remember who the author was...
    Children Book- Alice the Fairy!!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. books are my favorite to find at garage sales/goodwill. you came away with quite the stash.
    adult - poisonwood bible
    young adult - island of the blue dolphins
    childrens - skippyjonjones (the original)

  16. Amy, you are such a bargain shopper. I love that after all of those books you bought you said, "Beautiful bookcase to house my stamp sets." I was anticipating, "beautiful bookcase, to house all the books I just bought." So when I read stamp sets I got a good laugh. I hope to have a library in my future house with a ladder that slides across the shelves. I love how well-read you and your kids are.

    Adult Book: Leadership & Self-Deception
    YA: Finding Faith
    Children's: Johnny Lion and the Rubber Boots

  17. Amy!! I didn't know you started a blog, how fun! A new one to add to my reader. :-) I'm a huge reader, so narrowing down my favorites are super-super hard to do. But I can't pass up a chance at a fun giveaway like this one. Soo...

    Adult - I'm not usually a huge fan of LDS fiction (it's a bit cheesy), but the Work and the Glory series will forever be one that I could read again and again. The Kingdom and the Crown series by Gerald Lund is also one of my favorites.

    Young Adult - well, not to copy Alicia, but I'm a Twilight fan also! I also really loved Eragon and Eldest, too.

    Children's - I love Click, Clack, Moo and Giggle, Giggle Quack and Parts, by Tedd Arnold

    Sorry for the super, long comment, but I love the yard sale find. So nice. I'm a big fan of yard sale shopping, too. I always go to the book pile first, it's how I found most of the books we own. :-)

  18. Now to answer your questions earlier... Lately I have found some antique kitchen utensils and an antique baseball glove (at the Richland Goodwill), a hutch that I need to re-do from a yard sale -- actually, you just need to come to my house sometime. As I look around, probably 90% of my "things" and furniture are from Goodwills or yard sales. I usually go back and forth between the Richland and Pasco Goodwill - but I sometimes go to the Pasco and Kennewick St. Vincent. And I also try to yard sale every Friday. :)

  19. I LOVE yard sales and thrift stores! I made out with a bunch of books friday and some great kids clothes finds. I'm still trying to find my way around, but it is so fun!

    For my books -
    Adult: TO be honest, I don't have one, I have read a few, but not any that I would rave over... I guess I need to get some tips from Amy the Librarian on some good ones to start!

    Yound Adult: Right now I am starting "Twilight" and I love it. I loved to read the Anne of Green Gables series growing up.

    Children's: When I was little I had to be read "Duck Feet" by Dr. Seuss all the time, so that was my favorite then... Now I really like "I'll love you Forever."

  20. Hi Amy, your cousin Susan here. I thought I was the only one that loved books this much! I always go straight to the books when I go to Goodwill, and I don't care how many copies I have of certain children's books, if it's one I love, I buy it. That way I can give them to my granddaughters for keeps. Oh, one more thing, I do the bookfair every year at my kid's old elementary school. Even though It's been about ten years since my last one was there. The school has almost no parental involvement and I have built up a friendship over the years with the librarian, so every year in March she calls me and I go work at it everyday that it runs. I love Ted Arnold's books! Have you seen "Green Wilma"? That is one of my favorites. I have also just discovered a great series of older kid books by Mary Hoffman "Stravaganza" really good reads. I have so many favorite adult books it's hard to choose. I'll go with "A Painted House" by John Grisham and "Hearts in Atlantis" by one of my favorite authors Stephen King.

  21. I'm still too weak to think.

    Can I just be entered because you love me?
