Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th I booted the kids out of the house so I could get
some things done. Sydney and Anderson choose to sit on the front
lawn, eat Fishy Crackers, and read. It wasn't until I came up closer to them that
I got a good look at Anderson...


  1. Well, poo, Miss Amy, I didn't know you had a blog! yay, another one to add! Thanks for your comments :) Your family is getting so big. I can't believe its been so long since I've seen my Mathews cousins.

  2. That picture is a classic. Hilarious. He had no clue how funny that looked.

    Almost every time we drive past your home, Mattie ask me "how do they keep their lawn so nice"? You have always rocked in the lawn care department. Seriously.

    Have a great relaxed weekend. At least for another month, until the planning starts all over again. Joking... How long does planning scout camp take? It has to be a major year long thing, right?

  3. Well Jan...let's just say that I spent Thursday morning before camp looking on line for hats for NEXT years camp. We really do work on it all year.

    Thanks again for delivering that delicious dinner Wednesday night. I didn't realize how much I would need it until you stopped by! Mattie's cake was soooo good and Ed's chicken is now a Cazier favorite. You are a great friend and Visiting Teacher! Thank you.

  4. How funny. Typical Anderson. If he has to be outside, darnit, he is NOT going to enjoy himself, he will sleep through it.

  5. That's a great look for Friday the 13th. Anderson definately has the right idea though, lazing in the sun is a fav. pastime of mine.

    You know what? We always comment how great your lawn looks too.

  6. That is a hilarious picture!! Too perfect for Friday the 13th!

  7. Amy, I hope you don't mind me popping in ... I just wanted to stop in and say Thank you so much for all of your hard work on the scout camp stuff. Kelten LOVED all the little badges he earned :) He came home and said, "Look at all these badges I got, aren't they so cool?!" He then proceeded to sit down and tell us about every one of them.He also came home with a ton of other fun stuff (snake tie, color crayon rock,first aid kit ect.)and great memories to go with it all. What a treasure for him. All your hard work is appreciated and cherished at our home Thanks :)-Niki

  8. On firday the 13th elizabeth was leaving for las vegas. We have a giveaway on our blog. Check it out. I don't know if you know the adress but I am on mattie's friendslist.

  9. P.S. I love the book a single shard too.

  10. That is so funny! There are definitely days that I feel like doing the same thing!!

  11. Grass and clover- Ed is using a broadleaf killer. It will not hurt the grass, but anything with a broadleaf, it will.

    It is 24D. I am sure you have heard of it or John has. He has been trying to get control of it. It has gotten worse these last couple of years.

    Don't use near flowers or bushes or trees. Not on a windy day for sure. I still think you have a great lawn..
