Monday, June 23, 2008


A few weekends ago my boys had a few friends over. They are all good boys and I enjoy having each of them in my home. There were three 10 year olds and two 12 1/2 year olds. As always, all five of them ended up on the trampoline wrestling. I had just peeked out at them and all seemed fine, well at least as fine as can be with five boys slamming one another into the ground.

To make a long story short one of the younger boys came inside crying uncontrollably and gasping for breath. After pulling all of them into my dining room the truth came out...they had decided that they would allow "choke holds" and if the person being choked started to not like it they could "tap out." For those of you who are innocent to the ways of WWF wrestling, to "tap out" means you tap the mat to call "uncle" and the other person immediately stops choking you. Ten minutes after coming inside the 10 year old's throat was still hurting him and he was still tearing up.

I was so angry with those boys! Here were five boys, three of which weren't even my own and they were all getting it from me. I said, "Who was choking people out there, raise your hand!" Every one of them raised their hand. I was on a roll, "For being such smart boys that was a stupid thing to do! This isn't X Box! You could really hurt each other by doing something as dumb as choking!" As I was ranting and lecturing, Anderson kept trying to interrupt me and then I really let him have it. After my verbal beating was done I sent my boys to their room, sent the other two brothers home on their bikes (letting them know that I would be calling their mother soon) and called the fifth boy's grandma to come get him.

John wasn't home and I decided to let my boys stew over their dumb brained idea until he got back. Well, three hours later it was 8:00 PM, John wasn't home yet, and I figured my boys had been in their room long enough. As I walked down the hall I saw a note taped to their bedroom door. I assumed it was an apology letter but as I flipped on the hallway light this is what I saw...


  1. Yesterday in primary we were talking about using polite words and I used Anderson as an example.
    I said, "I drove Anderson to school almost every day during this past school year, that's almost 180 times. Do you know how many times he said Thank You."
    There were varying answers. I continued (the kids were all anxious to hear) "He said thank you 180 times." There were some surprised looks.

    You really have great kids and I'm sure that a lesson was learned. That's a really scary thing for a mother to hear.

  2. Oh my gosh, that picture is AWESOME!!! I love the little action figures, and how hilarious is that one guy pulling a tiny folding table out from the "weapons" cubby? So funny!
    This story is such a great one. I love that Anderson taped that letter to his door. Classic.

  3. OK, Debie, I just read your comment and I had to respond: Amy somehow programmed her kids from the time they could speak to say "thank you for the ride." They all do it. It's amazing.

  4. I simply threatend them with WWF moves if they didn't say it.

  5. That is really scary though. I was telling Anderson at church how I was impressed with the way he passed the sacrament. He did say thank you. I know he gets that from watching you. You take compliments better than anyone I know. I love that about you. I like that he said Thanks too. I know I will never have the opportunity to drive your kids anywhere and hear the thanks like Debie though (wrecking dummy). But last time we were in the car together, we had a blast. We got lost remember... Funny times.

    Love the letter he pulled out. But glad that activity is over..

  6. Oh Amy, I wrote the ending of the comic in my comments for you. I didn't know if you were serious you couldn't see the punchling or if you were just teasing me about being senile. I just wasn't sure. LOL...

  7. This is kinda funny. Even after being reprimanded he knew you still loved him and always will. Funny that he wanted to remind you of that at that moment!

    I can't stand when my boys wrestle! Inevitably someone always comes running to me in tears!

  8. Boy will be it's a good thing that I don't have any. I think I would always be panicked!! Especially with Donald's past history of being a very michevious little boy, I think I would be doomed.
    Obviously you have very sweet children. Sounds like they get rave reviews for their manners! Way to go Amy. You are a wonderful mother. I try to teach my children to be polite, but it hasn't sunk in quite yet. maybe someday.
    Thanks for the sweet comment you left me. I too am thankful to have a blog through all of this. Especially for the friends and family that live far away. I can keep everyone posted without making (or receiving) tons and tons of phone calls. It is a shame that blogging wasn't started up yet when you were going through your scary times with Anderson. It's amazing how quickly technology and modern conveniences change and progress.
    Well, I am definitely rambling at this point. Have a happy day Amy!

  9. At our house, it's usually the girls who always want to push things too far. If the kids are wrestling, the girls have such a competitive nature that they'll kick it up a notch, and another notch, and pretty soon it's not even WWF, it's morphed into Mixed Martial Arts Ultimate Fighting Championship!

    Funny thing - when the Wii came out, the girls were playing Boxing, and Ellysa was beating Kaylee. Kaylee started kicking in addition to punching with her arms - not that there were any sensors on her feet, she just had to feel like she was adding something to help her win!

  10. I am glad you shared this. Kids know how to get to us. I loved the letter hanging on his door. My heart would melt if I saw that.

  11. Ouch! How sweet of him to remind you that you love him (not that you needed reminding). Scenarios like this make me worry what I'll have to deal with later on, of course remembering myself as a child makes me worry too! You really do have great kids, but even great kids do dumb things sometimes :)

  12. They are so smart aren't they! I think it is very sweet that he knew just where to find that letter when he needed it! It must be really special to him.

    As for the wrestling - I can't stand that! I go crazy when my boys do it!

    to answer your question on my we aren't going to Florida now :( He has to go to Denver (woo hoo) in July - Can you sense my excitement?

  13. Actually WWF now stands for World Wildlife Foundation. They sued a few years back to win the rights to those now it is called WWE. But that is besides the point. I remember doing things like that when I was a lad. Good thing you caught them.

    On another note, thanks for the old school pic of the wrestling figures. My brother was a big fan of they bring back memories!

  14. That was great Amy! And I loved how you handled it. I probably would've lost it and started some moves of my own. You're a great example to us all. And my kids loved the picture you used - too funny!
