Thursday, June 5, 2008

Indiana Jones

Cayden's 4th grade class put on a Science Wax Museum. Each student had to pick a scientist to study and portray. Cayden came home wanting to be a paleontologist. Of course we went straight to Goggle. The biggest name we found was a guy named Roy Chapman Andrews. A few minutes into our study produced exciting results. This gentleman was the inspiration behind the Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider Movies. Why doesn't Indy like snakes? Roy Chapman and his crew were awaken one night to 47 deadly vipers crawling into their tent.

Last night at the wax museum each child was dressed like their scientist and had prepared a display board and monologue. They remained in a statue like pose until the name of their scientist was said out loud. At the mention of their name the "scientist" came to life and would recite their monologue by memory and then become silent again. They weren't allowed to answer questions or talk to anybody. It was pretty impressive.

Cayden as Roy Chapman Andrews aka Indiana Jones

Cayden's monologue:

Sixty years before the fantastic Indiana Jones adventure trilogy, the real Indiana Jones was making spectacular dinosaur discoveries, suffering through blistering sandstorms, fending off deadly vipers and fighting roving bandits.

Hi, my name is Roy Chapman Andrews and I am the real Indiana Jones. I was born on January 26, 1884 in Beloit Wisconsin. After earning my masters in Mammalogy I joined the Explores Club in 1908.

Although everyone thought I was crazy, on March 21, 1922 I led an expedition to Mongolia. It was on this trip that I discovered the first Velociraptor skeleton ever found. Over the years I explored thousands of miles of uncharted desert and made amazing discoveries. I found a mastodon skeleton and the first dinosaur eggs.

I died of a heart attack unexpectedly on March 11, 1960. I am remembered for my courage and countless discoveries. I am known for saying, "I was born to be an explorer, I couldn't do anything else and be happy."

Roy Chapman Andrews


  1. Wow, that is impressive. Sure makes learning fun!

  2. Wow, you learn something new every day. He looks pretty cool in his get-up. I bet he loved it.

  3. I absolutely love this idea, and would love to see our school do something like this. Way to go Cayden!

  4. I love the monologue. I love the wax museum idea and Cayden's choice of scientists. Great Job Cayden and very cool costume.

  5. Brady and I wanted so badly to attend this but his playoff game didn't end until 7:40.

    Great job, Cayden! You look fantastic! Brady is so excited to do this next year!

  6. That is fabulous. I loved the look that Cayden pulled off. Its perfect. And that was so great learning about the inspiration behind Indiana Jones. He his fantastic. Love his fervor for life. Way to go future s/i/l, I mean future awesome man.

  7. That sounds like such a fun school project! My, people are certainly creative!

  8. thats so great!! the indy movies are some of my favorites.

  9. MYSTERY SOLVED! I'm so glad I ran across your blog! Last night, my daughter said to me around 7:40pm, "Mom, did you know Indiana Jones was real?"
    "What? Where did you learn that?"
    "At the wax museum. Indiana Jones was one of the wax people and when you said his name, he talked to you."
    At that point, I remembered about the wax museum and saw that it was on my calendar to run from 6:45-8:20pm. I tried to correct my daughter by telling her that Indiana Jones was made up, but she insisted he was real. I thought it would be interesting to see what she was talking about.
    By the time I had loaded my kids up in the car and headed over to the school, it was 7:55 pm. We arrived just after 8pm. We passed a long line of cars leaving the school, and I think we even saw you. But the calendar said 8:20, so we pressed on, only to find empty rooms being vacuumed. I asked a woman if there will be another wax museum next year (I think it was the teacher in charge of it). She said they do one in the fall and one in the spring. I looked forward to going to the one this fall, but I still didn't know what McKenzie was talking about with Indiana Jones. Now I know. And she's right! How cool.

  10. That was a long comment. Sorry!

  11. How did I not know that this was open to the public? I thought just the parents of the kids doing it went. That is amazing that these kids can stand that still, unmoving for so long. His outfit is great, I'm so glad you found the bull whip. (Is that Dad's famous hat?)

  12. I can't believe how long the monolog was. That's the coolest part - that he could recite all those words! I'd probably get the first 2 lines and then make up the rest as I went along. I MISS YOU GUYS!!!

  13. I am so impressed! That was so interesting, and Cayden looks great! Glad you found the whip.

  14. How cute. So that is why you needed to find the whip. I can't help but think how hard it must have been for all those 4th graders to stand perfectly still for that long. Kudos to Cayden!
