Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Who Knew?

I bought this awesome book a few months ago
and I love it. It gives way cool "tips, secrets, and quick fixes
to make your life easier." One of my favorite hints is for that
stubborn ketchup at the bottom of the bottle. Instead of propping
your ketchup upside down for an hour, simply grab the bottom of the
container, stand in the middle of your kitchen and swing your arm in a big circle.

Helpful hint #2 Make sure the cap is closed...

The pictures do not do the mess justice. I was cleaning my fridge at the time and wanted to combine two ketchup bottles into one. The fridge door was open. Ketchup splattered onto the eggs, butter and the door I had just cleaned. Branson's formula can was open... Our ceiling is 1969 cemented on popcorn. It took the following to get the splatters off and I still see a red streak.

For dinner on Monday night I was making Sloppy Joes and talking to my mom on the phone. When I got to the line telling me to add bread crumbs I did a double take. I was reading my recipe for Meat Loaf! In my frying pan I had poured vinegar, added brown sugar and right in the middle of the whole mess were two eggs I had just cracked. It actually tasted rather good and the kids didn't even notice the little twang of the vinegar.

As people were filing in for Bunco last night I was madly trying to get the pizzas done in time for dinner. As I pulled the first extra large pizza out of the oven I jerked it too fast and the far end flipped over towards me and I suddenly had a huge pizza sandwich! Well you know what happens when you stick two side of cheese together and then try to unstick wasn't a pretty site.

Oh and I left Elizabeth Spurgeon at school the other day, totally forgot her.

Who knew life could get this crazy!?

I think I need to s l o w down.


  1. That is a great tip! I will be sure to use it. With the cap on, of course.

  2. You are so funny Amy. I love that you took pictures. So fun. And then to just randomly throw in Elizabeth. I laughed and I needed a laugh today.

    Glad it all worked out. And work it was.

    About Mattie and C. Oh its on our minds too. It has been mentioned about him being a good boy. Love it.

  3. Oh least you can laugh about it now...right? My brothers used to do that ketchup trick.

  4. I would never have known you had a ketchup mishap if you wouldn't have mentioned it! Your ceiling looks good as new. Well, good as popcorn ceilings can look anyway.

  5. Oh my goodness, Amy! That ketchup mishap has either got to make you sit on the floor and cry or laugh, I guess. I would've probably started crying. :-)

  6. That's just what you needed, a ketchup mess when you are probably at your busiest. I'm not kidding, I don't know how you do it.

    You give your all to everything you do. I bet the pizza tasted great.

  7. The pictures are great Amy! And though I'm sad for your misfortunes, they brought a smile to my face. Thanks! :)

    I can't believe how busy you are and to have a day like yesterday and still be able to smile - you're awesome!

  8. Oh, and Alaine did peek at Branson - but he was sleeping and there was a baby that was awake just across the aisle that got her attention. I'm sure she'll love on him next Sunday as usual. ;)

  9. What a great tip with the ketchup! I will have to remember that in the future, that sounds like a great book to pick up!

  10. Oops! Isn't that the way it goes sometimes. You have intentions to clean up and the mess gets bigger than what it was in the first place.

  11. I got a great laugh out of this one when you told me about it, especially the part about the "popcorn" falling off your ceiling into Branson's open formula can. I got a second laugh seeing the pictures on your blog. But I do learn from others' mistakes. I had never heard that trick before with the ketchup bottle, I'm totally going to do that. With the cap on.

  12. Thanks for sharing your funny mess. I would probably have done the same thing. In fact I kinda did that once with a bottle of A1 sauce. Only I was trying to shake it all down towards the floor. It was slightly easier to clean up than I'm sure your pop-corn ceiling was.

  13. holy cow, i was laughing so hard at this story i could barely make myself understandable while i retold it to abe. I.HAVE.DONE.THIS! too mad i didn't take pictures and blog about it. i love that you did. i can just imagine you swinging your arm around like a beatiful windmill - a windmill blowing off bright red ketchup. lovely.

  14. HEE HEE This is so funny! I am glad I am not the only person who does dumb things!!!

  15. Hey Amyyyyyyy! I found you!! Through Noelle's blog. You are the best story teller. I think this same thing happened during one of our dinners, growing up. I think Stacey might have shook a bottle of salad dressing when the cap wasn't on tight. Your pictures are great. I can just imagine the funny things that came out of your mouth after this happened. Love, Steph
