Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Many Faces of Branson

At seven months Branson is his own little personality. But every time someone sees him they are certain he looks just like Anderson...or Sydney...or Cayden or John. It is actually quite funny. People come up to me and say, "Oh my goodness he looks exactly like insert one of the above. " Then they always follow it with the same question,
"Doesn't he?" When I mention that people have said he looks like someone else the person
usually shakes their head and says, "No way, I don't see it."
So who do YOU think he looks like?
Oh... and NO ONE has EVER said that he looks like ME!


  1. Okay Amy, I'm going to come out of lurkdom. I've been lurking for a couple of weeks. Sorry. I'm lame. What can I say?

    Branson is so adorable! Hmmm, who do I say he looks like? Judging from these pictures, I'm going to say John.

  2. I haven't seen any of your other kids so I'm not sure, but to be honest, I do see some of you in him! I LOVE those pictures. They are priceless. He is an adorable little guy.

    I never knew you lived with your in-laws. You are a lucky girl, I wouldn't be able to handle that!

  3. Amy, I think you know my opinion on this one. He is SO Anderson to me, I always call him Anderson. He even shakes his arms in excitement like Anderson. By the way, I have always thought Anderson looked like you, so I think Branson looks like you too.

  4. I was just thinking today how much Branson looks like Anderson. We were in the middle of talking about something else when I thought that so I never got around to saying it, but it was definately on my mind. I think it's funny how people HAVE to point out who the baby looks like.

  5. He looks like you. Are you happy now in making me a liar...

    Anderson mixed with a little Sydney.

    But he really looks like cuteness..

  6. He is all Anderson. I have always said that, even when everyone else said Cayden. He looks nothing like Cayden. Especially when he smiles, he could be Anderson at that age. And Rachel is absolutely right. Anderson always looked like you, and now Branson does too, especially when he's smiling. When he's serious he shows the Cazier side.

  7. Definitely Anderson. A little mini version of Anderson. Adorable!

  8. Well I tried to see who he looked like with each face and the first pic is you and the last pic is Sydney but all the rest just look like your boys! Mostly Anderson and John but Sydneys eyes in the last one.

  9. I am really bad at these games. I think you brought the right baby home from the hospital. He definitely belongs to the Jon and Amy Cazier family. You can tell he was made from the same recipe!

  10. I feel the same as Alicia....Big brother and sister! All of them! He is definately a Cazier/Mathews! Thank goodness!

    How are doing fairing these camp count down?

  11. These pictures are so adorable! I never try to say who people's kids look like. As soon as I decide, I change my mind. We have the same problem with Madelyn--nobody knows which one of us she looks like more, although lately we've been getting more Matt.

  12. I would have to say he looks like Anderson with a little bit of Sydney. He's so cute!!!

  13. Cazier baby through and through. Nobody ever says my kids look like me either!

  14. I know how that is!! With Alexandra all I ever heard is how she looks exactly like her dad....and as a new mother I was like "hey...I had something to do with this too!"

    He is a beautiful, handsome boy. And those are some fabulous pictures :)

  15. Amy - what happened to your "Help" post. I saw it on Google Reader, but it doesn't show up on your blog. Anyway, I just wanted to wish you luck with the slideshow. I'm sure everything will work out. I can't believe ALL that you've taken on this month! You're incredible! Good luck with day camp too. I'm so bummed that Davis and Kyle will miss it. And it's a definate YES!!!!! on joining you in Hawaii!! :)

  16. This is the same problem that we have with our girls. People always say they look like me. Or each other. 10 different people could have 10 different opinions on the matter.

  17. Aw i'm so sad we've never got to see him in person!!
    --Jessica Hutcheson
