Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Unfortunately I have had so much I've needed to get done lately that I couldn't possibly do it all...
Fortunately, the Stake Primary Presidency offered to come and help me get some of the day camp stuff done...
Unfortunately, two hours before they were due to come help you could barely walk through my house...

Fortunately you can close bedroom and bathroom doors..
Unfortunately we weren't meeting in any of my bathrooms or bedrooms...
Fortunately, Alicia came over to help me with a quick pick up of the play room and family room! It was spic and span by the time the ladies arrived ...
Unfortunately, the ladies couldn't stay to help indefinitely and there are a total of 2,700 Cub Scout Core Value Pins to cut out, laminate, cut out again and hot glue on the pin backs. (Who's stupid idea was it to have a pin for every stinkin' class anyway...oh mine)
Fortunately Danyelle and Ryan loaned me all the seasons of The Office and I get to watch them for the FIRST time while cutting, laminating, cutting and gluing...
Unfortunately I still had a TON of shopping to do for Day Camp and you can't watch episodes of The Office while you are running errands to both Targets, every Dollar Tree in the Tri Cities and Wal-mart....
Fortunately Branson was a trooper spending over three hours in his car seat...
Unfortunately Pasco Wal-mart did not have enough Book Rings, Crayola Markers in Classic Colors and several other things that will send me to more stores at a later date...
Fortunately I still have a few more days before Day Camp Actually Begins...
Unfortunately that is a lot of days that the dishes are left undone...
Fortunately there are other alternatives...
Unfortunately they don't make plastic, disposable clothing that my kids can wear to school...
Fortunately today was Pajama Day and Crazy Hair Day, who cares if their school clothes are dirty...
Unfortunately I will be burning the midnight oil until camp is over...
Fortunately I love my calling!


  1. What can I do to help? Serious! I have a laminator! I have scissors!

  2. This is such a creative way of demonstrating your life to us right now. You do an amazing job of everything you do.

    When you're still loving your calling with so much to do, you know you're a trooper.

    (There's 140 bars of soap)

  3. Hey guys, I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me! :) I think I may have everything under control now. Thank you for all the offers to help and for everyone that is teaching classes and volunteering with their boys!

  4. All I have heard is that "Amy Cazier" is amazing with Day Camp and it just wouldn't work without her... And I say, "Hey I know her!"

    Way to go Amy and take it so well~ and with humor.

  5. As a person that hates to be in charge I send HUGE KUDOS to you Amy, a person who is willing to be in charge and to do such a spectacular job of it. And still be happy for her calling. I will remember you when my calling as ward activity director seems overwhelming. ( And that is pretty much always.)

  6. So I am a little jealous that you get to experience The Office for the first time. I love that show, and while reruns are great, the first time is the best. Enjoy.

  7. I LOVE this post! So creative. I love that you took pictures to illustrate it all. My favorite part? "Unfortunately they don't make plastic, disposable clothing that my kids can wear to school..." You had us both laughing with that one.

  8. I am a go getter. Oh yeah. Thats right. Me for you and thats the way it is suppose to be.

    I think that paragraph contained like 3 songs. Can't remember them, but I swear they are in there. Love the real pictures. You are so awesome. Oh yes you are. Yes you are. Stop Amy. YES YOU ARE...

  9. So... you up for visiting teaching tormorrow or Friday? He! He! Sorry, I know, not funny! I have scissors and can cut. Let me know.

  10. When it got to the pic of paper plates & plastic forks, I was laughing so hard Cindy came over to see what I was looking at... and the line about disposable kids clothes got her too!

  11. Great post, Amy! Seriously, how DO you do it all!? I have scissors and a laminator, me if you're still cutting away. I'd be happy to help.

  12. stop blogging and get busy! :) I feel better, I was complaining about cutting/sanding all my 150sticks down but now it feels like nothing! :) Im 1/3 of the way done! Go WOMBATS! That is ALOT of little papers to laminate and cut out, no thank you! I don't have any scizzors don't call me. :) J/J


    I love the book reference! One of my favorites!


    I love the book reference! One of my favorites!

  15. What a great post! I was sitting there reading the first part thinking, "HELLO!! Closed doors?! What about your sister that came over and cleaned for you??!!" Then I got to that part and felt a little sheepish. Thanks for the shout-out. I never get enough of cleaning your house, you know how I love it :)
    What are you going to do with yourself when camp is done? Oh, right, watch my kids while I go on a date!

  16. the office rocks!
    that sounds dreamy... the office and crafting. If only kids, dishes and laundry would freeze while we were able to do the "fun" stuff!

    good luck!

  17. this post is so cool. Aren't you glad day canp is over now! we just got back from the picnic.

  18. p.s. i know dallin had a great time. i found him in my mom's room pretending my dad's belt was a whip.

  19. Hilarious, Amy! Like we cared if your house was clean or a mess. Nice to have it over, but it was 3 days of fun, I thought! You're awesome and I'm glad I can call you my niece!
