Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Last Firsts

Today Branson got his first tooth! (It's about stinkin' time hes 81/2 months old!) I was surprised how excited I got, I mean it's just a tooth...most people have a mouth full of 'em. But of course I'm trying to pry his fingers out of his mouth while saying "let me look at the little toofy." Wow...

I have been getting pretty carried away with all of Branson's firsts. I think it is because he is our last baby and I know I will never have these firsts again. I was actually thrilled that it took so long for his teeth to come in, it gave us more time for him to stay babylike.

While attending McKenna Moon's baptism this Saturday it was mentioned that she was their families last child to turn eight. McKenna's older brother and sister gave the Baptism and Holy Ghost talks. It was so sweet and it made me realize that when I blink it will be Branson getting baptised, Anderson will be on his mission, Cayden will be getting ready to go on his mission and Sydney will be in high school.

I may seem to be rambling at this point but kids just grow up too dang fast. So if I kiss Branson a few too many times a day or we still let the kids pull their sleeping bags into our bedroom once or twice a week, or Anderson still gives John a big hug at school, or Cayden is still our Cuddle Bug, or Sydney still wants me to read stories to her...I think it's a good thing.


  1. Yeah, Bill picked up Payson tonight and suddenly Payson looked giant. When did he get so big??!! They grow way too fast and I am starting to panic that Payson really is getting older and the clock is ticking!!

  2. Absolutely Amy. It is a very good thing. You are very wise to realize how time does fly. I turn around sometimes and can't believe how our home has changed in the noise and sleeping bag pulled into the room. So do hold on tight and enjoy that new little tooth. I know those last firsts. Its so sad. I see it in Mattie all the time. I think she wishes we didn't relish in her every move, but hey, she is the baby and I am going to relish.

  3. Amy this post made me cry. I love that Caitlyn is more independent but I sure miss the baby cuddle stage. We have a slight "problem" with Caitlyn coming into our bed every night around 3 or 4 in the morning. I know I need to break the habit, but I love her snuggling with us.

  4. Amy you are very wise. My last three babies were all my last. We thought for sure we were done each time. And I wouldn't change that for the world. It's just amazing how much you appreciate something when you know there is a limited supply. So love that little guy of yours and never apologize for wanting to keep him your baby. Plus there is NO such thing as TOO many kisses!

  5. This is so true. Everything is so exciting with baby number four as it was with baby number one.
    Congratulations on your new tooth Branson :)
    "The Last Firsts" is a great title.

  6. You're so right, it is a good thing. I'm glad that you seem to enjoy every minute with your kids (although I'm sure there are minutes you don't enjoy so much :) I'm already realizing that kids do grow up WAY too fast. Congrats Branson on your first tooth!

  7. Honestly, it doesn't seem like it was that long ago that my baby cut her first tooth. I loved your post and thanks for mentioning her baptism. She was glad Sydney was there.

  8. They grow up too fast that is for sure! Next thing you know they are having kids of their own...It amazes me. Soak it all in while you can!

    Hey I wanted to tell you your package is going to arrive tomorrow at your house via UPS-
    Enjoy! :)

  9. Thanks again for engaging my children with all the fun water stuff! You are da best!

  10. I'm going through the same thing! It is certainly bitter-sweet.

  11. I completely understand how you feel! Elisabeth is our last baby, and I cherish each and every day. The thought of never having these 'baby firsts' is making me cling to each little moment. I was so sad on the 4th of July, because it was her last 'first' holiday. Now I am rambling.....but yes, I understand how you feel.

    Congrats on that new tooth!
