Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Total Relaxation in Orlando

This is the Marriott where we are staying in Orlando Florida. Every afternoon at about the same time there are incredible thunder and lightening storms. Our Taxi driver said it's because it is hurricane season.
There is nothing around the hotel...no restaurants, convenience stores nothing. So this is what Branson and I do Allllll day long while John is in conferences...

We head out to the pool between 9 and 10:00 AM. For hours we float around the Lazy River and play in the pool. The first day Branson loved his own private floaty, until mom let him take a spin on hers. Now he won't have anything to do with his. When he rides with me he gets to be deeper in the water, much better for kicking and splashing.

After a few floats around the river we kick back on the lounge chairs, read, sleep and snuggle.
He loves to lay in between my legs and eat, play and eventually sleep. The people staying in the hotel act like they have never seen a baby before. Branson gets coddled and cooed at every few minutes.This is our big inner tube that we float on. The Lazy River is gorgeous with trees and flowers extending over the water and much to Branson's pure delight there are several waterfalls.

When we have had enough fun in the shade (I will not be coming home with a tan! The pools and river are nicely shaded which is great for little ones under the age of one) we head up to the room for a good nap, wrestling on the bed, more reading and some self portraits.In the evening John joins us and we either go swimming or we take the bus and go shopping.This trip has been just what the doctor ordered!


  1. So does this mean you splurged and paid the internet fee? I'm thrilled you did. I love your pictures and I love the title of your post: total relaxation.

    Enjoy the rest of your vacation.

  2. Actually I thought I was splurging when I paid for it and I thought John would be disgusted that I paid money to Blog...but I lucked out and he needs the internet to do school stuff so we will be reimbursed!

  3. Oh my, what a perfect vacation! No agenda, and nothing to do but laze around the pool. Sounds like heaven. It is nice that the pool is so shaded. The flowers and greenery are absolutely beautiful! Branson is adorable--he's starting to look less like a baby and more like a little boy.

  4. That looks wonderful! I am not at all jealous. Now, excuse me while I go into my room and pout:(

  5. You look very happy and revitalized! Looks like a great vacation - nice and relaxing. I'm so happy that you are feeling refreshed. That's the best kind of vacation...not the kind that you need a vacation from your vacation.

  6. Amy J. You so deserved this getaway. Oh what fun. I love the smiling mommy and child. So cute. Branson has the cutest smile.

    I love trips that are long enough, but not so long that your completely exhausted. Perfect.

    Have a great rest of the week. I am going to call Terri and pout with her :(

  7. Hi! I'm Nickel10!!! I'm trying to make my blog more popular, could you please visit my blog sometime? If you were wondering who I am, I'm Mattie and Kenley's friend. But my real name is Nicole. Hope you can check out my blog!

  8. Sounds so fun! I love florida. I liked your comment about me liking all things pretty :) I never thought about it that way before. I'll have to mention that to Tom. hee hee

  9. Amy, that looks amazing. I wish I was floating down the lazy river with you and that handsome little Branson. I'm so glad you are having a relaxing vacation...you really deserved it. Happy floating!

  10. Ahhh...the good life! Lucky, lucky you :)

  11. I love that you and Branson are just hanging out together all day having your own little vacation. That picture of him looking up and the one of you two grinning together are way too cute!! Glad you're having such a good time, and glad you spent the $15 for the internet.

  12. So glad you got away and had a blast! I bet you sure needed it after school yearbooks and cub camp!
