Wednesday, July 2, 2008

What Branson has Learned in Orlando...

Starbucks Double Chocolaty Chip Frapaccino with whip cream is delicious...scream really loud and throw a huge fit if you see one and don't get any.

Vacation does not mean sleep. It means: get up every two hours at night like you did when you were 4 months old. Then scream loud enough that mom and dad think the hotel neighbors can hear you so you get to eat every single time you wake up.

Blowing bubbles like a Motor Boat is a definite must when you are cruising around with mom on the Lazy River. (It will also make all the old people think you are simply adorable)

Florida is the State of Oranges...and they taste so good, even if you suck on the outside of one.

When you are the one kid that gets to go on the trip, mom and dad don't buy you nothin'. Only the ones that stay home get the presents.

For $1.38 Starbucks will warm a kid's size apple juice to 100 degrees...the perfect, delicious treat in a bottle.

Vacation is the perfect time to learn "baby's favorite game." While mom simply takes the toy away dad loves to give it back to me and as soon as I throw it he picks it up so we can play again. I think I like dad more than her now.

You can do amazing things with your hair (no matter how little you have) when you add sunscreen.

Hotel darkening blinds are great for middle of the day naps, how can you get those at home?

And last but most importantly....
What they say about being the last child born in a family is so untrue! Mom has taken more pictures of me in my first 8 months than any other kid so far! (And going digital has nothing to do with it)


  1. I am so glad that you post now. I just love your mind. You crack me up so much. I love the starbucks thing. I was at first going what? Do I need to do a Word of Wisdom 101 over there..

    And when you find out about those curtains, let me know. I know they have the rolling darkening shades. It would be something to consider.

    Stay cool Amy..

  2. That Branson has learned a lot! Hopefully his sleeping habits will settle down a bit once you are back home.

    Happy vacation to you!

  3. At least you are getting those naps to make up for some of the sleep deprivation and you only have to spend energy on one child and float on the lazy river so I say that makes up for the night wakings. As far as the hotel drapes we put room darkening blinds in all our bedrooms! It is a PRIORITY around here! My kids sleep in, naps are better and it keeps it cool in the summer! They are worth the investment.

  4. So cute. I had to laugh about the sunblock in the air. It's true. I always mess up Madelyn's hair when we put sunblock on her head. It's the only time you can tell she has any hair!

  5. What a cute post! I was sad there was no picture of Branson with spiky sunscreen hair. Thanks for starting my day with a smile.

  6. I LOVED this post Amy! It's got to be one of my favorites! You're so clever and creative!

  7. Awww... this was too cute. Sounds like you guys are having the best time! What a fun time to spend a little one on one. Don't you wish you could take each child on a trip like this? You'll have to post the sunscreen hair picture soon!

  8. What a great memory to have with Branson! You sounded like you enjoyed your trip!
    We did miss you at Bunco! YOu had a great excuse!
