Just For Fun~My creative blog for scrapbooking and digital freebies!
If you are in need of a good book you can find one at http://amysbookcollection.blogspot.com/!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The gift of a lifetime!

A while ago I won Brenda's awesome giveaway. The prize was 6 digital layouts of my family!

She did an amazing job and the results have thoroughly convinced me to go digital. I have since signed up for the on line class and I am loving it! This last "Water" layout of Sydney is my very first "solo" digital layout. I am insane for placing it in the same post as Brenda's, but scrapbooks are made to share and I know you'll go easy on me!


Lisa Christine said...

What beautiful layouts...and wonderful memories!

Deborama said...

those are amazing! I keep seeing awesome ones everywhere! How expensive is it? I wanna do it. Where do you print them out at? So many questions! :)

Jan said...

Those are really nice Amy J. I think that digital is way more funner for me too. I love the look alot. Make sure you share any tips with us lay folk. Okay. Have a great day.

What day works for you on VT? Got to love the communication.

♥miss~mattie♥ said...

Those are so cute. Those are some great memories too. And what a great idea.
bye bye.♥☺♥

Brenda said...

I love your layout Amy! Are you loving the classes? Congrats on your first solo!!!

Shayla said...

Amy, your first solo layout is awesome! Are you in love with the class?! I am so excited for you to be taking it. Sorry we keep playing phone tag... :-)

rip said...

Class?!! What Class?!! Details..Details, please! I have wanted to learn, and once school starts, I would love a distraction.

Alicia Leppert said...

I am so ready to go digital!!! I HAVE to take the class, asap.

Anonymous said...

that's really cool that instead of saying 'wow, i could never do that' you just decided to learn to do it yourself. someday i'll learn to do this. yours looks great. your friends...well, they are pretty amazing. :) but with your eye, i can't wait to see more.

SuzanSayz said...

Those really are beautiful.

Bren's Life said...

I love them! I had no idea you could do anything like that on the computer.. Man- so much talent..
Did I tell you already that I mailed your gift? I hope it gets there in 1 piece...

Robin Beck said...

Oh Amy... I love these so much!
So nice...I never thought about going digital (duh)??? You are full of surprises here lately! :)

Kris said...

I'm loving what you've got. They look awesome!

Ms. Kristen said...

Cool! I need to learn how that is done!

Ms. Kristen said...

Oh, by the way, I need the recipe for the chicken marinate....FAB!!!!

Jodi said...

Those are amazing!!!! Let me know how easy/hard digital is.

aubrey said...

Those are adorable!