Just For Fun~My creative blog for scrapbooking and digital freebies!
If you are in need of a good book you can find one at http://amysbookcollection.blogspot.com/!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Good, Better, Best!

Over a year and a half ago our hallway wall was ripped down to fit the new bathtub into the kids bathroom. In February of 2007 the wall was put back up, textured and primed. This week I actually painted that wall!


Branson Really liked the color I chose.


Branson can't wait to get into the bath to wash all the paint off.


At Goodwill yesterday I found a Baby Jogger stroller!


The price tag said $38.50 but for the first time ever I asked if they could be flexible on their price and I only paid $28.50 for a very nice stroller!


Branson and I ran 1 mile today after we sent the kids off to school!


I am always finding good deals at Goodwill, especially on books. Most of them are practically brand new. I bring them home, wipe them down and then my family gets to enjoy them.


I mentioned that when my boys were little they really liked the Carl books. Another one of their favorites when they were toddlers was the Find the Duck series. These books by Stephen Cartwright have cute, simple illustrations. On every page the duck is slightly hidden so that a toddler can easily spot and point to the duck. They are a family favorite.

There are 6 books in the series:

Find the Teddy

Find the Kitten

Find the Bird

Find the Puppy

Find the Duck

Find the Piglet

Yesterday I found three books from the series!


I already own these!

So I am giving away these three as a set to one lucky winner.

Simply leave a comment on this post!

I just love books so much and when I see a favorite at a thrift store that is in perfect shape I can't pass it up even when I already own it! I have a real problem. I am thinking about having more book give aways so we can all benefit. I get to buy books that are cool and pass them on to you. What do you think? Does getting used books gross you out or is it a super cool idea?

Good Luck!


dandee said...

We already own the puppy book, but Audrey would LOVE the other two.

Great deal on the stroller.

Em and Ms said...

Great post, and great finds! I love books too, and it doesn't bother me that they're used. I'm sure Madelyn would love these!

Melissa Mae Johnson said...

I love the find the duck books! We don't have any of those, but we have some other ones. I LOVE thrift stores of any kind. Its my favorite thing to do, walk around and see what treasures I can find.

Lisa Christine said...

A book giveaway??? Count me in! Congrats on your great find...and on your mile run!!!

Kristen said...

It's a great idea!! Count me in too! Cayman would enjoy these books!

Awesome job on finding such a great stroller and getting it for a wonderful price!! Your next blog should be called "How to negotiate the Amy way". :)

Natasha said...

Super cool idea to give away used books. (And I thought I was the only one who negotiates Goodwill prices.)

Kris said...

I love how you are always willing to share your goods. You seem to always find the best deals! Great Job!

SuzanSayz said...

Gross??? GROSS?!?!? Amy my cousin, don't even think about that. Used books are a treasure of great worth. Anyone can go into Barnes and Noble and buy whatever book they desire.
But to find a used book, especially at the Goodwill were they are usually only 50 cents? I simply can't think of anything that compares to that kind of joy.
And I might just need to start going when you go because I never find as many wonders as you do.
Also HUGE CONGRATS on the stroller. Lisa's mom just bought her one of those and it was over 400 bucks! So you can brag about that amazing find for the next five years and no one should be able to top it.
It's so cool having a cousin that shares my great love of books and reading.
Good thoughts to you Amy!!!!!

Nicki said...

We used to have the puppy and piggy book. I'll have to look and see if I can find them now that Cody loves books. I had forgotten about them.

Nicole said...

Awesome idea Amy! We would love those books at our house!

Brenda said...

Pick me! My kids need books!!! I will pay you for duplicates if you have any you need to get rid of! I also enjoy hearing which ones are favorites of your family's.

Alicia Leppert said...

Used books?! That's disgusting. Heh, heh. I don't think there's one book in my house that didn't come from one of your trips to a thrift store.

We're past the board book stage, but I'm all about more book giveaways!

Alicia Leppert said...

Oh, don't put my name in the drawing. I guess I just shouldn't have commented.

Mikki said...

sa-weet!! I think it's a great idea, passing on the love, recycling--what's not to love.
Awesome find on the stroller, and WAY TO GO!!--out ther jogging and everything.

I adore that sweet tippy-toe picture. So cute!

Anonymous said...

I love those toes. hyrum gets just as excited for a bath. so i think we have two best friends seperated by a few hunderd miles and so my baby should get those books to add to their likeness. :)

Rachel said...

Amy, I love your goodwill finds, that stroller is awesome, and I always love the great books that you find. Count me in on the giveaway.

Robin Beck said...

Love the post Amy-I cannot believe you got that stroller for that price! Good for you for running a mile-I see you are doing quite well on your weight loss!
Please sign me up for the books my grandkids will love them!

SuzanSayz said...

Amy I just realized, that I was so caught up in the excitement of a book post that I forgot to tell you how much I enjoyed the picture of Branson's chubby little baby feet. On tippee toes no less!

Jan said...

Fun Amy. I am so glad that you are such an example of frugal living. Used is good.

Great books. I am going to have grandkids at some point.

Ms. Kristen said...

I love the bare tooties on this post. I would love to share books!

Debie Spurgeon said...

Branson on his tip-toes is ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That stroller is amazing. You look amazing, good for you.

Jodi said...

You seriously take the CUTEST pictures! And I'm amazed at your 1 mile jog! Way to go. Looks like you'll always be our "biggest loser" - you're awesome!

JenFielding said...

Amy, I have loved any book you've recommended so far, these look like no exception. I love children's books. By the way, I thought of you the other day at the movies when I saw a preview for...City of Embers! It looks awesome. I kind of want to read the book again before I go to the movie.

Paula -- CutieFruity said...

YAY! a giveaway! I'm totally interested in the books!

ashley said...

I think used books is a great idea, especially with children's books! I admire your good book finds, and what a good deal on the stroller! Way to go on the running too!!