Just For Fun~My creative blog for scrapbooking and digital freebies!
If you are in need of a good book you can find one at http://amysbookcollection.blogspot.com/!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I Wanna Iguana

I Wanna Iguana
By Karen Kaufman Orloff
This is one of my favorite picture books!
A little boy begs his mother to let him get a pet Iguana. The mother and son correspond back and forth in letter form as they each plead their case both for and against owning an Iguana. (Obviously the mom is the protagonist in this story) It's whimsical illustrations and catchy letters make this book an instant classic. This book giveaway is for TWO lucky winners!
Post a comment before 8:00 AM on Friday morning to be entered to win.
(For those who may be new to my book giveaways-they are gently used and may have names written on the inside cover. But I am very picky and guarantee that each of my books has plenty of life left in them.)


::lindsay said...

Sign me up, Amy! I'm determined to win one of your book giveaways!

Bren's Life said...

All my kids would love this book since they all want a iguana.. My girls are outside all day long catching lizards. The poor lizards around here no longer have tails....
What dinner did you make last night?

Jan said...

Sounds really good.

Shayla said...

This is one of our favorites, too. It has made it home from the library multiple times. :-)

Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

I Wanna "I Wanna Iguana" =)!

Brenda said...

Amy, I love your book giveaway idea!!! Also, my kids have been dressing up for 3 days straight in all those dress-up clothes- the boys too! Thanks for the new fun!

Em and Ms said...

Maybe this will be my lucky day!

Melissa Mae Johnson said...

I love Iguana's. Can I have one in book form?

Lisa Christine said...

Two winners! My odds have increased :)

Anonymous said...

since i will never get my kids an iguana, let a lone a dog (i am overruled in this category so help me) we must have this book since it is obviously about my family.

Heidi D said...

Ooh Ooh! Me me!

The Evanites Tribe said...

sign me up we would love this book...the boys in my family really would love an iguana!

Nicki said...

I've never read this one. Hope I get it, but if not, library here we come.

Kris said...

A little girl in Sydnee's class checked this book out today. I can't wait to read it. Either by winning or checking it out!

SuzanSayz said...

I almost bought this one a few years ago at the bookfair. I can't quite remember why I chose something else but here is my chance for a second chance!

Rachel said...

I love your giveaways Amy. Hannah just saw this book on your blog and said that she has read it and really liked it, so count me in on the contest.

JenFielding said...

Amy, I'm bound and determined to win some of your books- I'm in!

♥miss~mattie♥ said...

Count me in!!!!!!

Jodi said...

Me, Me!! We actually used to own an iguana (named Ziggy). :)

CeeCee and Rick said...

okay.. so really how will you determine who gets the book? Do you pick it out of a hat?? If that's how it is done... please crinkle my paper or crumple it up into a ball!!!! Also.. have SPIDERMAN give it a kiss!!! I think we might be lucky with all thoe "pregame" rituals.. haha

CeeCee and Rick said...

Okay... for whoever puts my name on the paper... CEECEE... either crinkle my paper or crumple into a ball( I think we would do that when we played games with you guys..) and have SPIDERMAN kiss it for good luck!! oh anymore pregame rituals?? Let me know when you choose the names, I'll run and put my game socks on!! ha

Mikki said...

ooh I wanna "I Wanna Iguana" book.
this sounds delightful!!

PS Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog everyday, but today in particular!

Paula -- CutieFruity said...

how do you get all these books to give away. So generous. I'm feeling like I"m not giving enough! I'd love to have a new-to-me book, especially if it is recommended by you1

Debie Spurgeon said...

I feel greedy keep entering your giveaways, but the prizes are just so darn tempting.

Alicia Leppert said...

Didn't you offer this book to me? Oh well, I guess I'll enter your giveaway like everyone else.