Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Life is a Challenge

Why eating out is a challenge...Why 1:00 church is a challenge...
Why keeping chalk around is a challenge...

Why eating a snack is a challenge... Why coaching a basketball game is a challenge...Why staying indoors is a challenge...
Why doing laundry is a challenge...

Why cooking dinner is a challenge...

Why playing Air Hockey is a challenge...

Why I love a challenge...


  1. A good challenge is always a good thing. Look at him. So cute.

  2. You seriously had me laughing out loud. I think you and I have the same life right now!

  3. This was so sweet! We do love our little challenges don't we!

  4. Such cute pictures Amy. I love how you still love to be challenged. It's worth it! That little boy is a cutie.

  5. Oh, at least he is a cute challenge! I love the picture of Branson and the cat! What a great post.

    I can't believe you and John will have been married 15 years, same with Rachel and Chad! None of you look old enough to have been married that long! You all definitely have a few years on me and Marcus :)

  6. Oh how boring and dull life would be without that challenge. How precious he is!

  7. A challenge and a blessing all at the same time. I love the laundry pictures! So funny.

  8. our boys are so obviusly the same age, this post could have been about hyrum. i keep having to tell my kids "if you don't want it ruined, you must not do it on the floor - play games, make legos, etc etc.
    so sweet and lovely. i know i'll miss this so much when our babies aren't hanging on our legs while we make dinne or climb in the washer while we are doing the dishes. i miss it already just thinking about it.

  9. You have taken so many incredible pictures that it's hard to pick a favorite, but the laundry picture of Branson is right up there in my top ten now.
    Keep up the good work Amy!

  10. Aww too cute. Sometimes little challenges make life just so much nicer... Glad your back!

  11. That is so funny! That age is so stinken cute and busy!

  12. You forgot one-- why feeling the Spirit at church is a challenge! I'm with you in these challenges, each and every one (except coaching basketball).

  13. What a sweet post! And that last picture with the reflection....gorgeous!

    Don't you just love challenges sometimes :)

  14. I love this. I have not seen a challenge that cute in a long time!

  15. This is a very sweet post - I am there with you on the "challenge" part and I am up for it too!

  16. Oh my gosh, this post was priceless. How do you do it? You totally captured the essence of parenting. How you can love something so much that makes doing everything else so difficult. These challenges are the most precious times.

  17. Fabulous Post! How cute is your little man?!?

  18. Such a cute little challenge too!!
    Life's challenges really are the best, no?

  19. Precious, precious, precious!!!!

    Our book club blog is up and running~ :) Either click on my name or go here to see it:

    Have a great weekend!

  20. visiting from the book club.
    Loving this post.

  21. Your posts are always so fun Amy! I love your pictures and how creative you are with them.
